New to OH, pretty terrified, help!!!
I'm brand new to OH and have VSG planned for the fall, I'm 5'5 & weigh 254lbs. I'm so excited for surgery, yet very scared. Any advice to help me calm my nerves?
Just keep reading the posts so that you know what to expect, and so that you can see how happy people are with the decision. Pay particular attention to questions asked by people right after surgery. I think it's great that you made this decision for yourself, and your life WILL improve. Just remember that the discomfort is a small price to pay for being healthier!
What specifically are you afraid of maybe we can help put your mind to ease about it.
In general... life changes but like any life change (moves, new jobs, relationships, babies) there is an adjustment period, a few WTH did I do moments, but you settle in and find a groove and soon you can't remember life any other way.
If you are afraid of the surgery itself... mortality/complication rates are super low for both VSG & RNY and inline with many routine surgeries (c-sections, appendix removal, gallbladder) Your medical team will be running a bunch of tests that should reduce risks. They will give you post-op rules to follow (dehydration and infection are the most common reasons for readmittance in the first 30 days so follow post-discharge instructions and sip tha****er) Control what you can control... walk when they say walk, sip water, follow instructions/wound care, etc.... then let go of what is out of your hands.
Having the helping hand of bariatric surgery to regain my health was the best gift I ever gave myself. Hope you will feel the same.
Good vibes being sent.
Thank you for your kind words! I'm finding that being on here and reading the posts does ease my mind, I have a pretty good idea what to expect. I just worry way too much over things :p
Thank you so much : ) I'm mostly just afraid about what coworkers and such will say to me. Obviously I need to have some time off for the surgery, but I'm not comfortable telling my boss what the surgery is for. I work with a group of women who can be understanding, but extremely judgemental at the same time. I don't want that added stress of people whispering around the office that I'm taking the "easy way out" by getting surgery. Practically no one understands how freaking hard this is, the hoops you have to jump through for insurance, the liquid diets, the pain, everything. It also doesn't help that my sister doesn't really support my decision because she's had coworkers that have had vsg and it didn't work for them. (My assumption is that they did not follow the diet or do the exercise.) My mom & boyfriend support me though, and that helps a lot & im going to get the surgery either way because I know it's what I need to do to improve my quality of life. & trust me I wouldn't be getting this surgery unless I thought it was the right thing to do, I absolutely hate IV's, needles, I've never had a catheter. Sagging skin also worries me greatly, im only 24 so I think it'll be fairly ok with it, but it's just another unknown to worry about. I certainly don't have a quiet mind haha.
24 is definitely in your favor for skin... but save a little $ just in case and if after you decide you are fine with it & no plastics are needed you'll have a little vacay fund or nest egg.
People may say you have taken the easy way... I've heard it multiple times... 158435039605710 hope it helps :)