My 'last regular meal'
I started my mandatory 2 weeks of only protein drinks yesterday. My wonderful husband spent the last two weeks seeking out meal treats. The good news is that I still chose pretty well and did not gain any of the weight I had worked hard too loose. The variety of shakes I'm allowed is really limited, but it is only 12 more days and I know I can do it.
My emotions are running wild, but I know it is fear of the unknown. Yes I have read, and talked, and learned all I can. I know that this is really the best choice for me, but the little terror monster keeps trying to nibble at my resolve. The nice thing is when it does get a small bite, I have this group along with my mom and husband. I have chosen to not even discuss my surgery with my sister, as she is so negative about anything anyone else does. My feeling is that I am not going to allow others to feed negative energy to the little terror monster. All it may have to eat is positive energy till the little terror monster either shrinks, dries up, or just goes and haunts someone else.
In the mean time I plan to think up new recipes for post surgery. I showed two to my surgical nurse this week and she was impressed. First one is cream of fish soup. Think fish chowder, just I used 2% milk, no butter, and cream of rice cereal to get the creamy texture. Cooked up a batch a last week to try it out, ran it through the blender, and it tasted great.
Same idea for cream of chicken, no milk, but good healthy soup, run through the blender. Lower in salt than what you get out of a can. If I add protein powder when serving (to not over heat/reduce the protein) it will up the protein for those meals.
Good luck on your journey.

It is better to travel and get lost...
Than never to travel at all.