Sleeved and home yay
I'm still not sure how to work this or how to post to my page. I'm officially sleeved as of June 8th and after 3 days in the hospital I'm home. Pain comes and goes still not able to determine what's too much or too little, but i'm learning. The surgery was better than I thought it would be. I was second guessing 2 hours prior and my surgery was delayed by 4 hours. I'm happy followed through, no regrets, so far...Dee?
We got this
Congratulations, Dee, and welcome to the Loser's Bench! It will be a long time before you will be able to feel what is too much or too little, so make sure you measure, weigh, and track every bite! For now, your biggest goals are get in as much protein as you can, try to get in your 64oz a day minimum liquids (hard, I have to sip constantly), but you don't want to get dehydrated.
Also, remember that protein shakes and any liquids count toward your 64oz, so it's not quite as daunting as it sounds. Walk, walk, walk...and sip, sip, sip! You're on your way, girl!