Weird distribution of loss

on 6/1/17 11:12 am, edited 6/1/17 4:13 am
RNY on 03/29/17

The last place that I gained weight was in my stomach (that pouch below the waste). I think I put weight on my upper arms, neck and calves too, but the last primary weight zone was my belly. In 2013 after having problems with implants (post mastectomy) my plastic surgeon did an amazing job using little globules of fat from my belly to replace the (rejected) implants. The surgery took 13 hours, involved half a dozen surgeons, required a week post op in the hospital while they made sure all the microscopic vascular connections worked and blood flow was adequate for dozens of tiny transplants (they even moved lymph nodes and associated plumbing to help with healing and general health of the transplanted fat).

After failing to lose the weight that continues to increase my risk of cancer, I finally decided to have WLS this past March.

Guess what fat my body decided to metabolize first? That old belly fat. I mean I get that the last on is often the first off but seriously? I'm supposed to believe that my body "knows" that this fat now residing over my chest was the same fat it collected last in my belly region? Really? REALLY????


Our bodies can be total A$$hats.

Just sayin...

5'4" 49yrs at surgery date

SW - 206 CW - 128
M1 - 20lb M2 - 9 lb M3 - 7 lb M4 - 7 lb M5 - 7 lb M6 - 6 lb M7 - 4 lb M8 - 1 lb M9 - 2 lb M10 - 4 lb M11 - 0lb M12 - 3lb M13 - 0 lb M14 - 2 lb M15 - 0 lb M16 - 3 lb

on 6/2/17 2:53 am
VSG on 03/16/17

That is so interesting how your body just knows that and reacts. Hoping for continued good health for you!

P goode
on 6/1/17 9:33 pm - Arlington, TX
VSG on 05/11/16

Same here. My top half is absolutely skeletal looking. You can see my ribs on my upper chest and my shoulder blades - it's kind of off putting. My hips and thighs still have plenty of fat though lots of loose skin.

Done! Your Ticker:

"Long ago in a galaxy far away"- WT-325. Lap band WT-287. Sleeve WT- 220, SW- 215, CW-144

Valerie G.
on 6/2/17 9:14 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Mine did the same thing. WIth any luck, you may actually keep a little booty when you get to goal.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

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