Day 1

on 5/23/17 5:47 am


Glad to have found you. I am a lifelong designated fat friend, and after my birthday last month decided it was FINALLY time to stop the madness. I have a clear memory of being weighed publicly in third grade (35 years ago!) and I was 83 pounds. My classmates were in the 60's. In high school, I was a respectable 145, while my friends were all 95-115. I was 205lbs when my met my Husband 18 years ago, and after three pregnancies, delivered my Son 12 years ago; weighing 270 pounds. In 2010, I decided I'd had enough, and joined WW. I lost 50 lbs over 19 months. Once I hit 219 ( A magical number I made up in my head; which was going to be my reasoning for doing it on my own.) I stopped going to meetings. I knew the program up and down, sideways and backwards. Yeah... that didn't work out to well for me. Here I am, 2017, and weigh 281 pounds.

My Son had a class trip to an amusement park last week and he asked me to chaperone, because he thought he had finally conquered his fear of roller coasters and was ready to try one. I think that day was my rock bottom- I lied to my child and said I had to work that day and could not chaperone- but I would send Dad with him. The harsh truth, you already know. I didn't HAVE to work. I COULD have gone. I was just not going to be denied boarding on a coaster while a class full of 5th graders watched on. He went with the class, my Husband sat next to him as he conquered his fear, and I was home. That night I cried a visceral cry, and decided I would not miss out on anything else because of my addiction to food, and subsequent weight.

I called the surgeon I had always known I was going to use ( I had been researching VSG for TWO YEARS!) and spoke to the receptionist. I admitted it was the single hardest phone call I had ever made. I cried as I gave her my info, but at the same time, begged for help. She took my info and said they would run my insurance and get back to me within a couple of weeks- and that I should be prepared, the Surgeon runs a single practice and is in high demand; I probably wouldn't have a consult until mid-end July.

My phone rang Thursday (two days after I made my initial call.) and it was the practices' nurse. They had run my insurance, I have a six month "waiting period," but there was a cancellation for Tuesday (Today!) and could I make it then?

So, here I am, about to leave for my first consult. I'm nervous, wondering if I will even get out of the car once I get there. I am also feeling excited and empowered. Today is day one of the rest of my life.


on 5/23/17 8:42 am
VSG on 11/29/16

Welcome, CJ! You've made it to the right place and your story sounds like so many of ours, having to hit rock bottom to get motivated and want a better, healthier life for ourselves! I wish you the best of luck on this journey and hope you continue to let us know how it is going. My 6 month waiting period really did fly by now that I think of it and I am so grateful I was approved for this surgery. I've lost 77 pounds total, 65 since surgery in late November and I am learning it's ok not to leave a dining room table stuffed to the gills. What a refreshing feeling!

Again, welcome to this wonderful group and site. It's a life-saver!


Kristi T.
on 5/23/17 10:01 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Welcome and best wishes for your first consult!

on 5/23/17 2:08 pm
VSG on 12/14/16

Welcome to OH! I can totally relate to your story..I remember how guilty, ashamed and angry at myself I was when I couldnt go on my sons train ride in kindergarten..I was so afraid I wouldn't fit and embarrass him and myself in front the whole class and all the parents. Since each child had to have an adult with them that meant my husband had to take off work and go. I had my consult a year ago, and surgery in December and have lost 103 lbs, and I am not missing any field trips ever again! Hope your appointment goes well!

on 5/23/17 4:42 pm - AL
VSG on 06/28/17

CJ we have all been there scared to death to take the first step but so excited to actually have hope. I am so ready to have VSG. I was banded 7 years ago and have had problems with it from the beginning. You can do this! Keep us all posted on the pre-op progress.


Lap band 5/2010 lost 37 lbs regain 22.

5/19/17 Surgery consult 201.6 lbs

6/15/17 approved by insurance(started liquid diet) 194.7lbs

6/28/17 Surgery weight 184.4

on 5/23/17 4:54 pm, edited 5/23/17 10:00 am

Thank you for the nice welcome. I am happy to report that I got out of the car. The office staff was excellent, the surgeon, meh. He certainly won't be coming over to my house for a wine and pajama party. The good thing is, I don't need him to be my bestie- I need him to do an excellent job at removing part of my body, and not kill me on the table. I think given his excellent reviews and the research I've done on him, that is a fairly reasonable expectation. The office manager and the nurses were delightful, and since they are the people I will be dealing with mostly, I feel confident in choosing the practice. I flat out asked if if he's ever lost anyone, and he said he had. Twice. Both were post-op complications, and each had several co-morbid conditions which didn't help.

As of today, I have zero co-morbidities. I was 282.9 on his scale (dressed in jean capris) and I am 5'5" on the nose. He was very pragmatic and said my insurance requires I lose ONE pound between today my last appointment in November. When I asked him if I should lose more, he said if I could, I wouldn't need him. Touche.

He plainly stated that the six months is a "Game for the insurance company," and not a diet, but I should take advantage of the time to start changing some habits so I have an easier transition post-op. The nurse did warn me not to lose more than 40 pounds between now and then, because it would put me under 40 BMI, and since I have no co-morbid conditions, my insurance wouldn't approve me. I told her not to lose too much sleep worrying about THAT happening.

My "Goal weight" according to the Surgeon is 150lbs. I haven't seen that since 9th grade. He said if I do what I should, that is an easily obtainable goal. I'm not sure if I am excited at the possibility or concerned that he has such high confidence in me, we did just meet; after all.

I have to meet with a Registered Dietitian, have a psych eval, and of course, because I have a big mouth and mentioned that I get heartburn sometimes ( like after eating 1/2 a pizza and drinking a pitcher of beer) I need to have an endoscopy.

He said his pre-op plan is two weeks of opti-fast (Which must be purchased from his practice at $200 for the two weeks) and then three weeks of liquid post-op. After that, he said " If you use your teeth correctly, it's up to you." I'll be honest, both of these things gave me pause.

  1. Why do I HAVE to purchase from him? What if I want to vomit at the taste? I wish I could play around with brands and flavors NOW, so I could find something I am likely to stick to when the time comes.
  2. I don't think I've come across a post here where someone went from 3 weeks of liquid to normal foods. I'm not complaining, and I didn't take it as he meant after 3 weeks of liquids I could go our for a large pepperoni pizza and a side of garlic knots, but still, I guess I was expecting some " mushy" phase.

So, there you have it. Day one is complete. I am excited, nervous, not 100% sure I will actually go through with it when the time comes, but I took the first step.

Gwen M.
on 5/23/17 6:14 pm
VSG on 03/13/14

Welcome! You'll find a ton of great information and support here.

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

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