Starting 2 week pre-op liquid diet tomorrow
It is interesting how different surgeons have different rules. But the reality we are all individuals so our mileage varies all over the place. :-)
I am not looking forward to being on liquids for 6 weeks. My surgeon requires 2 weeks prior and 4 weeks after for VGS. I am trying to train my brain to think of it as feeding a brand new/baby's stomach. There is little it can tolerate. But then having such a large wound trying to heal under such harsh conditions, it doesn't surprise me that there will be very little my new stomach will be able to handle.
My current mind set is that there are lots of liquids out there. Broth, Water, Water with flavor, Skim milk, Protein shakes, Unjury Chicken soup is DELICIOUS. Sugar-free Jello and pop-sickles also count as liquid. In my mindset, this is shutting down the GI tract until after surgery.
Luckily post surgery "liquids" expand to include yogurt, cream of wheat, cream of rice and apple sauce! Post surgery to me is the reboot of the GI system while letting the stomach heal.
Best of Luck.

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Than never to travel at all.