on 5/17/17 12:46 pm
I don't like plain water either but I love it with some of the Mio flavors! My favorite is strawberry watermelon.
on 5/16/17 8:42 am
Don't beat yourself up over it too hard. Before surgery it is much harder to cut back eating. Once you are out of surgery it will be so much easier to reduce your eating. I think it is smart to try and make healthy choices early though :) that's a good step. Before surgery, rather than change the type of food I ate (aside from cutting out soda) I worked on the portions of what I ate. I always ate big portions, so I cut them down to normal people size and lost weight quick.
I do have to say I have made an effort in cutting down portions. Im just not seeing any weight loss by doing so. Then i think to myself since eating less isn't making a difference then why do i do it?? But i have not let that discourage me from eating smaller portions. so Im noticing small changes happening with me mentally that I still haven't said screw it I'm gonna get a extra lg.
on 5/16/17 9:10 am
There is no good reason to go on a liquid diet unless you're recovering from surgery.
Stick to lean, dense protein and a few veggies. You'll feel much better and it will be far easier to stay on track.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
on 5/16/17 7:19 pm
Exactly! Liquid is going to go right through your stomach, but something dense and meaty like grilled chicken will stay in your stomach and keep you feeling full longer.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
A dense protein is one (meat, fish, poultry, legumes, etc) that will provide you with 1 gr of protein for every 10 calories.
If you haven't started weighing, measuring and logging what you're eating, you may as well start now & get into the habit because if you want to be successful, you'll need to do this. An app such as myfitnesspal will provide you with the calories, carbs, fat, proteins, etc, based on the portion you're having and is a fantastic planning tool. GOOD LUCK!
Well try to go for the dense protein and have protein shakes only if needed to get your protein count up to 80g or so. I used to poach a chicken breast, grind it up and put a spoonful or two in chicken broth. satisfying and easier to eat.
Also, try a sugar free little cup of pudding mixed with an equal amount of greek yogurt. Add a bit of protein powder if you like. Tastes like cheesecake.
The world according to egg face web site has protein shake recipes.
And no more soda. Its poison. Try to find a fruity iced tea to substitute. Good luck. Get a really good blender that will crush ice in your smoothies. The wimpy ones just can't handle the ice. Diane s