2 days post-op
Good morning all,
just had my VSG surgery on Monday, I was released from the hospital yesterday. Now that I'm home I feel so helpless and I feel like my pain has kicked in even worse. Sleeping was unbearable, my entire body is hurting. I have been walking around the house but I still feel so helpless. I've been sipping and even the smallest sips make me feel so full. I'm so miserable right now I just wanna cry. I'm beginning to regret this...anyone else have a rough couple days after surgery? Any advice?
So sorry you are feeling rough. :( Generally, the gas pains last 2-3 days after getting home and the only thing that helped me was getting up and walking around and staying on top of my pain meds. Just take it easy and let your doc know if you aren't sleeping comfortably or in excessive pain that the meds doesn't seem to help.

The first three days were the roughest for me, so yes I did feel like this. My only time of regret came about the same time as well. It does get better, I promise. All of a sudden you just start to feel better, you move better and the gas pains subside. By day 7 I was walking the neighborhood. Hang in there, as others have said, take your pain medication and call the surgeon if they are not working. Stay hydrated and rest, walk when you can.
During my post op I didn't really get gas pains.I got more pain than anything from the drain. As soon as that was taken out I was so much better (in pain still but not nearly as much). Hang in there. It does get better. As far as pain meds stay on top of them. I'm wondering if they have Percocet in liquid form. That's something you could ask your doctor.