Post op emotional rollercoaster
Wow that was my surgery day as well!! It's so weird how I felt amazing right after my surgery and the next day. And had little pain, like you most of my pain came from the gas and chest pressure. I did well first day home then I got pneumonia. Then all of a sudden it hit me!! This was it , I had made this decision and it was done. I'm thankfully passed the depressed episodes. I don't cry anymore so I am hopeful it is only going to get better!! Congrats I can't wait to weigh 226!! I have not been that low in 16 years or so.
wow it's amazing how you can't wait to get to 226 and I can't wait to get away from it. I'm 5'e with out shoes so I look like a lil rolly Polly lol I was in serious pain when I woke up from surgery I was crying and delirious I was so nauseous and thought my insides were outside of my body. The next day I felt better until I ate and then every day after was a new pain my back hurts all the time I might need to check on my kidneys! And my wounds from surgery itched and hurt and when I would laugh or yawn it felt like something in my stomach was ripping my doctor said it was normal! Weird right. When I took the plane home 4 days after surgery I was on that plane thinking to myself what in the hell did you do to yourself your gonna die from starvation rotflll and pedialyte to me is gross and they want me to drink it. Sighhhh I'm sorry to hear about your pneumonia did they say what caused it? I always promised I wouldn't gonover 200 pounds and when I did it was like ok I won't go over 210 and then it was 220 and next thing I know I was almost 250 scared me I was like nah I can't do this my knees felt like they were deteriorating fast
You had to fly to have your surgery? My Dr had me take a pill called Emend on day of surgery for nausea and vomiting prevention as well as a scopolamine patch. And I used a pain pill for maybe 3 or 4 days at night. Just because I did not want to wake up hurting. My incisions did itch but only for short time because they are healing. I think my happiest day will be when I no longer have to buy plus size clothes. Or be told I can't ride something because of my weight. We went zip lining in February on our cruise and my weight really made it difficult for me. I also have blood clots in my left leg that have ruined my circulation so it hurts and swells if I do any activity. It really inhibits me more than anything and there's nothing I can do to make it better. I know I have to do better because everytime I stand up or bend over I get so dizzy. I'm trying to keep up with the water but it's a struggle when I feel sick all the time.
Yeah I had to fly I had surgery in dun dun dun "Mexico" lol at OCC it wasn't bad I mean Im pretty sure that america probably would have been a better fit but I didn't want to wait a year to see if I would be approved or not by my health care provider. So I paid for it on my own. I was there for like 4 days after my surgery I thought i was o****il that plane started jumping up and down my stomach started doing flips. I had to grab the barf bag quickkkk. Their medicine isnt as A 1 as america. They gave me a steroid in my butt that thing hurt something serious. Im looking forward to the day when I look good naked again. Awww u went on a cruise I have never been I want to though maybe for my Bday. Do you wear compression socks to help with you circulation? Your doctors need to help it so that you can walk because after I walk on the treadmill I really do feel better and a bit more accomplished. And yeah we need to get more water in you because if not your going to get hospitalized for dehydration. do you sip i mean really sip like its gonna be like ur practically not even drinking but its better than nothing.
I've read about people going to Mexico to get it done. I would have been scaredited but sometimes you have to do what you have to do for you. I work at a hospital and we changed insurance this year as soon as I finally decided to take the leap. Fortunately it worked out I just had to pay 2500 out of pocket then they paid at 100 percent. I'm sorry you had to go through all that I could not have traveled 4 days after maybe same day because I felt great and no pain . But by day 4 I started getting pneumonia. I keep water by me 24/7 a 32 oz bottle but most of the time my stomach is so sick that I can't do anything but just sit there. I am using the bathroom normally and color is light so I am ok there. And yes February was our first cruise and we loved it. It's not as expensive as you may think. I do things through priceline and get good deals. Pay way less than direct from site. Wish me luck I head back to work today. Kind of nervous but miss my peeps.
I cant return to work for a bit so much going on but we shall see how it goes. And i would have loved to only pay 2500. Mexico was cool they were helpful and they check on me all the time. I would love to work at a hospital I want to become a doctor. I try to keep water by me but i can only drink it really cold and my ice melts super quick lol. I wonder how works gonna go lol dont forget to eat I get so busy sometimes I forget to eat and drink lol until my mouth feels like i ate powder or sand. Good luck baby girl you'll do fine i'm sure they missed you
Yes I missed them as well. one of my coworkers had the same surgery last year and has done well. I've been here for going on 11 years I love it here. Try getting one of those cheap version of yeti cup at Walmart supposed to work just as good and keeps water ice cold. I go for my two week post op visit tomorrow before work. I think coming back to a normal routine is going to be the best thing. You should go for it i could never be a dr bedside nursing is what I enjoy most. Just be a nice Dr!!
Well I'm a naturally nice person so I'm pretty sure I'll be a nice doctor just have to get school out the way I'm just not really the type to not speak my mind I'm very out spoken. Yeah I'm going to look into that cup because for now I have been using my shaker cup that I use for protein shakes. How was work did u get lots of hugs and questions lol
Yes I work with such wonderful women. They were very happy to have me back, I'm quite the joker! I think getting back to normal routine was best thing for me. I went for my 2 week post op and asked them to schedule me with counselor. I'm in better spirits as well. Especially now that I get to chew food!! Are you able to start as well? How's it going for you? I told them about chewing food and spitting it out. She was great about it and did not judge me. Which I appreciated. It was weird getting to swallow eggs and chicken again!!!
I didn't start eating as of yet I bout some stuff to blend up today so we will deff SEE how it goes today I'm nervous.... I'm scared to move to the next stage I don't want my Weightloss to slow down. I'm glad they didn't judge you SEE support in a non judgemental way is better because you will feel comfortable being honest with them. Instead of lying and stuff

~Positive Vibes only~