I'm not that far out so I can't say with any authority but I do believe that if you are eating "slider foods", it would be easy to forget. If you follow the "protein first" way of eating I would like to think that it would be hard to forget.

on 4/3/17 7:22 pm
Nope, I never forget (3+ years out). Little tummies have big voices and will let you know when you try to test the limits. :) Truthfully, I was hoping that this way of eating would become second nature at some point so I wouldn't think about it much, but every day I have to consciously think about what to eat/drink, make hard choices, and fight my old habits. Quantity isn't so much the problem, but those darn carbs and grazing tendencies are always out there trying to torment me - I have to be on my guard all the time!