public admission so I get back to basics hiding from the the "old days," if I cheated (myself) and went off my eating plan, I didn't tell anyone and I fooled myself into thinking that if I didn't say it, it didn't happen.....NO MORE!!!
I ate potato chips and a small pastry......they were in front of me and I caved in to temptation. The good thing is that my stomach is rebelling and letting me know this was not my best move......and in truth, it didn't taste as good as I thought it, that's a good thing!
So, tomorrow morning I am going back to basics and doing what I'm supposed to be doing.....I WILL NOT SABOTAGE MYSELF....I'VE COME TOO FAR TO GO BACKWARDS NOW!!!
There....I've said it, I've made it public....I AM ACCOUNTABLE!!
Thank you!
Seriously....being honest with myself is vital to my success and I'm not going to beat myself up over a lapse, but by being open with my support system will put me back on the right track.
Good friends are like stars.
You don't always see them but you always know they're there.
on 3/19/17 10:32 pm
I totally understand this post. Good job with being honest and not letting this throw you completely off kilter.

I had a VSG 2/1/17.
Thanks.....I was never honest with myself before.....always managed to tell myself that the one cookie (which always turned into 5) wouldn't hurt....well, maybe the one or two wouldn't hurt, but they always started a lapse into old habits. This time, I told myself to stop immediately and that I had to own up to it publicly in order to get my brain to recognize that this behavior can't work in my favor.
Good friends are like stars.
You don't always see them but you always know they're there.