Open incision!
Anyone ever have any issues with an open incision? I'm 6 weeks post op and everything was healing great. Then one of my large incisions opened up. I went to the emergency room that insisted I needed to keep it wet with a bandage over it. I then had a follow up with My surgeon on Thursday that put silver nitrate in the wound and a band aid. The surgeon told me I needed to keep it packed with gauze and covered. He said it is a tunnel wound and needs to heal from inside out and the gauze will absorb the liquids. So I'm confused do I keep it wet or dry and packed with gauze?
One of my steri strips fell off yesterday, I'm about 9 days post op. I sent a photo to my RN of one of the incisions. All of them had scabbed over except one, that looked moist. She said it wasn't infected. That it was draining. And to keep it covered with an adhesive gauze bandage until it dried up, then I could let it air out.
Anyone ever have any issues with an open incision? I'm 6 weeks post op and everything was healing great. Then one of my large incisions opened up. I went to the emergency room that insisted I needed to keep it wet with a bandage over it. I then had a follow up with My surgeon on Thursday that put silver nitrate in the wound and a band aid. The surgeon told me I needed to keep it packed with gauze and covered. He said it is a tunnel wound and needs to heal from inside out and the gauze will absorb the liquids. So I'm confused do I keep it wet or dry and packed with gauze?
follow your surgeons instructiona