GREAT post-op visit yesterday!!
I couldn't have been happier at my post-op visit yesterday. I'm down 20 lbs since my surgery on 2/1!! Unreal! My surgeon said all my incisions are healing perfectly, he's very happy that I didn't need to use any of the pain meds after leaving the hospital. He asked if I was hungry yet, and I said no, only head hunger. He suggested that I stay on liquids for another week if I am able at it should continue to keep the weight coming off quickly. My favorite thing he said though is that losing this much weight early on bodes well for the total amount of weight I'll be able to lose long term.
I'm living in fear of having a major gout attack from losing weight this fast. I'm getting little tinglings in my toes lately, but fortunately it hasn't grown into a full blown flare yet. I've been adding tart cherry concentrate to my water, which Dr. Chen said was fine. Cherries helped me before surgery, so I'm hoping the concentrate will have the same effects.
He cleared me to start doing karate again in March, and to start doing cardio now. I was just on the elliptical for 30 minutes this morning, and, as always, I hated the 30 minutes of doing it but felt great afterwards. I might have another go this afternoon if I'm feeling up to it.
Just had to share!! All the agony for the first couple of days was SO worth it!!

Isn't it wonderful to feel so good so fast? Just wait til 3 months have passed and you'll be a whole new person.....and you'll be saying something like 'I can't believe this happened so fast!'
I also have a love - hate relationship with the elliptical, but it's great because it's low impact and for me it works up a really good sweat pretty fast.....gets my heart rate up to where I need it and keeps it steady for the right time too.
Keep up the good work and in case no one has said it....Welcome to the Loser's Bench!!!
Good friends are like stars.
You don't always see them but you always know they're there.
on 2/15/17 1:14 pm
Happy to hear you are doing great. Awesome you are working out and ahead of the game in weight loss. Welcome to the "Loser's Bench." You are on your way.
Thank you!
About allopurinol - I'm somewhat adverse to starting on a medication I would need to be on for the rest of my life, especially if I can avoid it. Pre-surgery, my triggers were pretty clear: crab and bone-based broth soups always caused me a flare. I had been without a flare up in about 3 years between watching those foods and cherry consumption.
My surgeon says I might have some flares while losing, but then it should be gone after the weight is off. I can live with a couple flare ups as I lose, and if I can mitigate it with the cherry concentrate, all the better.
Oh and I don't do colchicine either. I tried it once and it made me paranoid.
on 2/15/17 3:46 pm
It sounds like you are off to a great start! Congratulations!