Need everyones opinion please!! need to loose 5 lbs
so i have finally made it to one of the hardest parts of this whole process..and thats the liquid diet... i am on optifast.... and chicken broth and no sugar popsicles.... how do you become not hungry?? because i will drink a protein shake and some of my broth and i wont be hungry and then like 20 mins later ill be hungry again.. what do i do??? how do you scheduale all the protein shakes in(4 or 5 a day).. also.. what kind of exercise did you do... something where i dont need weights.. cause it has to be something i can do at work..i dont mind dancing.. so if you guys have a special work out video or something let me no.... help me out please....
any advice will do :D

You have to space your "meals" out to cover your active hours.
It'll become easier as your body adjusts to the reduced carb intake. You'll ease into ketosis and you'll begin burning your onboard fat supply for food. It'll ease hunger and help free your thoughts.
Plan those meal times and slowly consume them. Really slowly. Savor them and relax during your meals. Once finished, then flip the switch and forget about food. Get back to work on your job or personal time endeavors.
Stay well hydrated.....keep your water bottle close at hand and topped off.
Let one of your excesses become the frequent walks to the restroom, lol. No kidding, though.....staying hydrated is a miraculous aid once you hit that ketosis state. Magical things occur in your bodies metabolic engine. Your genetic hardwiring takes over to its route programming and it begins to burn the stored fat as you come out of a state of hibernation, lol.
Move as much as possible. Walking is great......bodyweight exercises are excellent. Tons of things that can be done. Be sure to properly stretch before doing such.
In many ways you are waking your body up and getting it into DRIVE gear now.
Plan your meal them apart......drink water all in between......move as much as possible........and smile often as you are at the beginning of a wonderful experience.
In the time ahead you'll be changing your relationship with food. You'll not be drawn or drive by it anymore.
Your resolve to use food simply as fuel for your body is what will be enhanced. The only craving you'll have is craving to be free and able to attain the lean body that you've wanted.....and you'll be rewarded with high leverage over attaining this. You will literally begin to carve and chisel away at the stuff you've wanted to be free off.
The liquid period pre and post of is simply that......a period. It's a is NOT the end all and be all of how you'll be living's just a phase. Never, ever lose sight of this.
Work through this phase and learn from it. Forget about food.....just focus on how your weight loss will begin showing through each day one block of hours at a time.
You'll be done with this phase before you realize it.
The rest of your life you'll be able to chew and savor real food.....flavored with a wide range of flavors......and enjoy it like you've never enjoyed before.....because you'll be drawn towards health eating and clean living. Food will become your friend and fuel.......but you'll never be held back by it again. Thats the life that awaits you.
Now, it's just time to focus on this short little phase you find yourself in.
You've got this.
Now go kick some ass and stay busy !!! Keep sipping tha****er !!!!!!!!!!
Live, love and make the most out of what your surgeon has done for your life without excuses and without regrets.
on 2/10/17 3:25 am
Dub gives great advice. This was the hardest part of the process for me. I told Mrs. LittleBillJr just to expect me to be grumpy. I was hungry most of the time, but it is a short time, and things will get better.
In addition to what has already been written, I will add the following. Drink hot or warm drinks when your belly growls. Any liquids are good, but I downed gallons of decaf coffee (black) on my pre-op diet. The warmth goes a long way to staving off hunger.
Find something to do to distract yourself. I was researching and planning to begin a new hobby after surgery, so that occupied a lot of my time and took my mind off how hungry I was.
Keep your mind fixed on the goal. This whole process requires a lot of mental change and discipline. No one can do that for you, but we can offer support. Good luck with it. If you set your mind to do it, you will succeed.
so i have finally made it to one of the hardest parts of this whole process..and thats the liquid diet... i am on optifast.... and chicken broth and no sugar popsicles.... how do you become not hungry?? because i will drink a protein shake and some of my broth and i wont be hungry and then like 20 mins later ill be hungry again.. what do i do??? how do you scheduale all the protein shakes in(4 or 5 a day).. also.. what kind of exercise did you do... something where i dont need weights.. cause it has to be something i can do at work..i dont mind dancing.. so if you guys have a special work out video or something let me no.... help me out please....
any advice will do :D
hungry 20 min later have more broth then more.i was known to have four of five cups of broth one right behind the other if that is what it tooki was known to eat a whole box of sugar free jello at a sitting.
drink as much of your allowed choices as it takes. That is the only way I got through it.