Overdue Update with NSVs throughout
I've been MIA since the first week after my surgery, with good cause as you will see below, but I'm hoping to be back more regularly.
I'm at 9 weeks and lost 41 lbs! I don't think I've ever lost that much at one time in my whole life. Thirty was my limit, then I would gain back 40 or 45, then lose 30 again, and then you know that cycle. AND I only take 3 prescription meds right now, blood pressure (I'm hoping to get rid of that when I finish losing the weight), Nexium that I may never get rid of, and an antihistamine that has nothing to do with my weight! Yay!!!
I will say that the first part of this ride has been a bumpy one. Surgery goes well, but find out I had a tumor in my stomach. Scary, but it's gone - Whew! Then an impacted colon. Constipation is real people! Get that taken care of and begin serious fiber supplementation and all goes well for about 3 weeks. Then start getting pain about an 1 1/2 after eating that goes away if I eat something, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from being able to have pureed foods! Then one day after pureed starts, BANG! I have pancreatitis and end up in the hospital for 6 days, nothing by mouth on IV fluids and pain meds. They send me home on liquids-again. Still having that pain an hour or 2 after eating and the surgeon says to eat tums if that helps. Not helpful. So went to my GI doctor and had to be scoped. I have gastritis and some areas that look like they could turn into ulcers. We're waiting on the biopsy results but have to be on Carafate to prevent ulcers from forming while we wait.
Am I still glad, with all my problems, that I had surgery? YES!!! So many victories-scale and non-scale victories. Losing 41 lbs, fitted with smaller CPAP headgear and mask and recommended that pressure be decreased, getting off some medications, being able to go a mile on the eliptical without sweating, getting compliments on my new smaller self, greater self confidence, clothes that haven't fit in 15 years getting too big and wearing jeans with no elastic waist!
Can't wait to see what's next on this exciting ride! :D
Holey moley - you've had more than your share of health complications. I'm so happy that you still have a positive attitude despite all of it. Congratulations on your weight loss! You're an inspiration and should be proud.
Take care and keep up the good work.

Height 5'4 Starting weight: 225 Surgery weight: 216 Goal Weight: 135 Surgery date: 1/23/17 Portsmouth, NH
The little engine that could.....
Got the results of the biopsies and all are normal. Chalking up the gastritis and other areas to healing from the surgery and having bad reflux. Will stay on the carafate to coat the stomach for 8 weeks and see what happens then. No real answers, but at least some relief. Now I know when my stomach starts hurting it's either about time for the carafate or I'm hungry. Silver lining - I know what hunger feels like. Now just have to remember that feeling and don't eat until then! A new tool against head-hunger.
Thanks for all the good wishes and encouragement. I couldn't have done it without my support system.
Onward! :)