Protein Powder?
on 2/1/17 10:26 am
Hello friends,
I have been using the Premier Protein Shakes for my breakfast for about 2-1/2 years. I like the taste, but it upset my stomach a bit, so I switched to SirenLabs Whey Protein Isolate powder (GNC) which I love, but it is soooooo expensive! ($52.00 for 2.1 lbs., 20 grams of protein, 100 calories per serving, but I would rather find something cheaper with 30 or more grams of protein). I like vanilla. Can anyone recommend a cheaper protein powder that meets sleeve requirements and taste decent? (I did a site search, but some of the information was a few years old and not sure if there are new offerings out there). Thank you!

on 2/1/17 10:43 am
Taste is subjective, but I have been drinking Gold Standard protein drinks. They offer it in 2 lb and 5 lb cans. All I can say is, if you get a 5 lb can, you had better like it. I bought a few of the 2 lb cans off Amazon to make sure I was going to like a particular flavor, and then got a 5 lb can of their extreme milk chocolate. I am drinking it less and less, but I don't see it going away completely any time soon. It is good for right after exercising, and also if I didn't meet my protein goals for the day.
on 2/1/17 12:48 pm
Thank you! I will check it out! (I am sure I will have to try several before I find the right one, which is okay). I will start out with the smaller size.

on 2/1/17 1:16 pm
Same brand different formulations. One is Gold Standard the other is Isolate. I will try them both!

on 2/1/17 12:57 pm
Just realized that you and Kairk recommended the same product. Great Minds Think Alike!!!

on 2/1/17 2:54 pm
Just realized that you and Kairk recommended the same product. Great Minds Think Alike!!!
I am not sure what the difference might be unless they are packaging it for Costco. I guess I need to go check some labels.
on 2/1/17 12:52 pm
Yes! That is more like it! I can get twice as much for the price and more protein as well! Thank you for your suggestion. It is definately worth a trying out.

on 2/1/17 3:50 pm
Thank you! I would probably LOVE the birthday cake and cake doughnut! Which is your favorite? (My coffee is more important to me than any other drink/food. The chocholate is a nice touch!)