Scared need info!
I found out I have C diff. I've had all the symptoms for weeks now. I was tested and it came back positive. I have one day left on antibiotic, but not seeing any improvement in symptoms. Can anyone tell me if they have been through this and how long it took them to recover. Thanks to all that can help me in advance.

HW 299, SW 276.4
I haven't had it myself, but had many MANY patients with it when I was still working bedside as an RN.
It frequently takes multiple rounds of antibiotics, or even different antibiotics to kick it. But, it's also possible that the antibiotics themselves have caused diarrhea, so make sure they re-test to see if it's cleared. Don't let your doctor say everything is fine until you have tests that prove it's gone. Not all doctors are up to date on the latest treatment protocols. If you're not already seeing an infectious disease doctor, you may need to get referred to one.
Usually they can get it completely cleared up, but like I said sometimes it takes several rounds of antibiotics. It can be incredibly frustrating, and I'm so sorry you're going through this. As a last resort, if the antibiotics just will not clear it, they have a 90-something percent success rate with something that sounds horrific, but it freakin' works, and that is a fecal transplant. They take poop from a healthy person, and they put it into your digestive tract (usually with a tube that goes in your nose and down into the very bottom part of your stomach, so don't worry, you won't be drinking it, and sometimes it's done with a colonoscopy type tube from the other end) and it re-populates your intestines with healthy bacteria and it knocks out the c.diff.
So take heart, they can get it cleared one way or another. :)

* 8/16/2017 - ONEDERLAND!! *
HW 306 - SW 297 - GW 175 - Surg VSG with Melanie Hafford on 8/17/2016
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do you know if your doctor did a regular antigen test or performed a PCR. There is a strain of cdiff that is resiatant to antibiotics, usually they test to differentiate. Make sure you are cleaning frequently used areas of your house and your bathroom often, with bleach, alcohol doesn't kill it. And hands with soap and water, not sanitizer.
Hopefully you get some relief soon. The next step might be a poo transplant if the antibiotic doesn't work it's mojo.
Pcr is a lab technique that replicates the dna/rna of bacteria. Keeping it simple they can tell if the bacteria is a regular strain or resistant strain.
Regular cdiff antigen test is a "yes its there" or "no its not there" test.
It took my step dad (not even a wls patient) nearly a year to be diagnosed, and four different antibiotics to finally kill it. The pills were $214/each that finally kill it.. The next step would have been a stool transplant. Every time you complete a round of antibiotics, insist on a stool sample (even if you're feeling better) to make sure it's really gone.
This infection is nasty and highly contagious. It spreads via spores, so you can infect yourself and your family again and again if you are not vigilant with sterilizing everything. If you can quarantine yourself to one bathroom that would be best. Remove everything from the bathroom from decorations to rugs. Every time you go, close the lid when you flush so the spores don't fly too far out when flushing. You next wipe down everything in the bathroom each and every time. Wash your bath towels in ho****er and bleach after every shower and wash everything separately from the family so you don't cross-contaminate.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes