Cause and effect question....

on 1/24/17 8:43 am - WI

I take mine with a teaspoon of peanut butter.  I have no idea if the milk would be enough.  If you are taking high doses of D3, I would add K2 to your vitamins list. 

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 1/24/17 9:10 am
RNY on 08/21/12

My docs never wanted to test for Vitamin K. They say no one is never deficient in it. I asked that, if they never tested, how did they know that no one is deficient?

Much of K is absorbed lower in the digest tract, in parts that aren't bypassed, they explained. And there is a lot of K in green leafy things -- just about the only foods it is in. Of course, when they tested, mine was rock bottom.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

Oxford Comma Hag
on 1/23/17 5:36 pm

Club sandwiches are definitely the answer to any and all your ills.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

White Dove
on 1/23/17 7:18 pm, edited 1/23/17 11:19 am - Warren, OH

My cousin bought a new Chevy Cruze.  He ended up with a lot of back pain, caused because the seat is really designed for a younger person and does not give enough support.  He can't afford another car so is using a lumber back support and seat cushion when he drives to give more stability.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 1/23/17 11:49 pm

Wow, not a impolite word out of me in my initial post or in any of my replies and boom, there is goes again. Haters have to hate I suppose. First of all, for all who don't know of the history, nearly a year ago, there was a bit of drama unfolded in here. I mentioned that my g/f had brought home a club sandwich for me, after I was past the 12 week post surgery milestone. 

I had a bit of the sandwich here and there through out the entire day, a bite or two, a couple hours later a bite or two, etc and throughout the entire day I had a small sandwich. Even though mentioning it was with doctors approval, my doctor had pretty much stated that everyone is different and your body will dictate what you can have and not have. 

Well I apparently made the mortal sin of mentioning it on here and further compounded it by calling it a treat. By treat I meant in the manner of speaking of it as out of the ordinary, not as in a reward for whatever or however you want to term it. I was basically blasted for it by a certain group of people here, the same ones blasting me now or firing off their sarcasm. I discovered their is a group of people on here that are the equivalent of 'click' from a junior high school. If you are in their circle and agree with every word out of their mouths, you are fine and fly under the radar. If you utter one word they don't approve of, you get blasted such as I did, and then they go even more nuts if one returns fire so to speak as I did. 

Everyone that agreed with me was blasted as well to the point two of them quit this forum and deactivated their accounts. 

So back to my current thread, it's amazing to me that so many people think they know my habits. I know what caused my regain over the several months I was residing in hotels while relocating to my new state and while my house was being remodeled. It was the increased sodium that is in everything that is processed as well as in pretty much anything you eat when you are eating out and about. Funny how once I had my kitchen back and back to my normal routine, in the last 10 or so days I have lost 20 of the 27 pounds lost. I know, how dare I relate facts that don't appease the 'click'. I know without doubt they hoped that if I ever posted again that it would be to gripe that the sleeve failed me and that I was bigger than I ever was and so on. Well all I can say is sorry to burst that hope there snowflakes. 

Also my vitamin intake has been consistent since day one, travelling or not. So to those who offered real advice or suggestions, I sincerely thank you. To those who just want to hate and to try and start the drama again, all I am going to say is nice try, but a failed one.

on 1/24/17 5:21 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Well, as long as we're setting the record straight for new people, ubserved behaved in a vile and reprehensible manner when he was here a year ago. A lot of caring people gave him some very sound advice, and he quickly began to call them all manner of vile names, and proceeded from there to physical threats. When someone threatens to track down women in real life and punch them in the face, it's gone wayyyyy over a line.

OH pulled all of his nasty name calling and threats, but he had already burned his bridges, and blocked most of us. Why he unblocked me, I have no idea. It was a list I was proud to be on.

So, that's his actual history, if anyone was under the mistaken notion that we were being mean to him. I'm ready to go back on his blocked list again.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 1/24/17 5:40 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

I remember that whole club sandwich business. He never got the point then & by his post he still doesn't get it. After he threatened to punch the lights out to one of our members here, plus he was rude to you & others here, I didn't want to be bothered by him anymore, & the chicks that left were being nasty also & I pointed that **** out to them, if they left, their loss.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 1/24/17 8:50 am - WI

Which is why you have seen none of the vets that usually respond to posts daily jump on this one.  I even questioned my own sanity for doing so, given how terrible he treated the vets who tried to help him in the past.  

I see that he is still in denial.  27 pound weight gain from sodium?  Right!  Reread the post.  HE was the one who blamed eating in restaurants and every single response that tried to give him advice was immediately shot down.  If he already knows everything, why is he coming here for advice?


HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 1/24/17 12:15 pm

Over a three month period. Amazing my meet with my new doctor yesterday was in agreement with my theory, especially considering the weight loss I have had over the last 11 days. There goes the assumptions that I am in denial. I have never claimed to know everything. I have prior to taking a break from the forums last year posted quite regularly. Either way, like with Grim, I'm done. You guys go along and have your merry like pat on the back and feel good circle that you love.

I'll hop back on when I hit my goal and then pose the question about who things I am still in denial.

on 1/24/17 12:11 pm

That's my actual history from your opinion, it was basically a back and forth that kept escalating. Should it have escalated? No, not my finest moment, nor yours. That said, as to the punch your lights out, feel free to actually go back and look at the posts from last year. It was a reference that all the tough people here who have to act like junior high school punks and throw their garbage. I made the reference that it's amazing that so many on here will spew their garbage, but if face to face, they wouldn't say much if anything at all for fear of getting their lights knocked out. 

Back to the club issue, I mentioned the event as I did on this thread and when 3-4 of you came unglued with the use of the word treat, I clarified what I meant by it, then it was a free for all on me for it and any who supported what I said. Your little click decided to make huge assumptions of my, my character, my resolve in basically saying I obviously have no idea how to handle being sleeved, that I need therapy to handle my nutrition, etc. 

So does it come as any surprise that I would be put off by that? There is a difference between offering advice and snapping your fingers as to how someone should be and if they don't conform to it, then to make a pariah out of them. We see that on a greater scale today with the elections in fact. Same thing. From your prospective, it's agree with you or else. 

As to the block list, there must be some timer before it automatically removes you from someone's list, because I don't know how your group came unblocked.

Either way, I'm done playing with you. Your group is petty, focused only on your way or else, while you might have good advice most of the time, it's that your way or else that makes me not care what you offer.

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