Need Help
Hello All!!
It has been some time since my last post. Probably 2 years. Anyways, I have picked up bad habits and havent been able to stop them. I had my sleeve done in 2010. Lost 100 pounds but yoyo about 40 pounds. I am up 40 pounds now. I recently graduated college and have a new job. Once I graduated Ideveloped severe GERD. So bad that I keep malanta with me so I can drink it if it gets too bad. I just scheduled a followup with my weight loss doctor for a follow up become this heartburn is getting out of hand.
I guess what my point of this post is......I need help getting back on track. Any idea would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks guys!!
Scheduling an appointment with your surgeon can help you out... not just with the Gerd, but also to review your situation. I just saw my surgeon a few weeks to help myself get back on track. Also saw the Weight Center's psychologist....she can see patients quarterly, but she referred me to another psychologist that that I'll be able to see regularly. I've also scheduled an appointment with the nutritionist, and have returned to the hospital's monthly post-op meetings.
I've been struggling for a while, but I am determined to get down to my goal. Never give up!
Not saying this is the case with you... A couple of years after surgery I also started having GERD return with a vengeance. it also resulted in weight gain. (I had been 15 under goal, and I went up to 5 or so over goal.) Anyway, I was having other issues as well and went in to the gastro doc. It turned out I needed my gallbladder removed and that I had a very large hiatel hernia. The Gerd was the hernia. It was repaired when the gallbladder came out, the acid dropped significantly, and I am back down to 15 under goal. Might be worth getting checked out.
Surgeon: Chengelis Surgery on 12/19/2011 A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!
1Mo: -21 2Mo: -16 3Mo: -12 4MO - 13 5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6 Goal in 8 months 4 days!! 6' 2'' EWL 103% Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5 150+ pounds lost
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I don't have GERD but I have had problems with weight going up and down (25 - 35 pounds). I'm 2 years post sleeve. I just got diagnosed with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Most likely due to the quick weigh loss. My doctor put me on a strict low carb diet to try to help the liver. I'm down almost 40 pounds in about 6 months since I started and it really hasn't been hard at all. And, I just feel better in general. It's been kind of fun because I'm not limiting calories at all. Just WHAT I eat. Of course, I small portions because of the sleeve. But, I never tell myself I can't have a snack. I just go grab a beef stick, cheese stick or a hand full of nuts. I definitely feel back on track!