So frustrated, need some encouragement

(deactivated member)
on 12/16/16 5:44 pm
VSG on 10/31/16

I am not as far out as you are but I think a lot depends on each individual person, your age, how much your starting weight was, etc.  I try to stay within 700-800 calories and try to watch the carbs and drink plenty of water.  Moving is important ... walking, etc.  You will do it!

on 12/17/16 2:44 am
VSG on 06/29/16

Thank you for the support. I am much better after seeing the nutritionist who thinks I am right on track. She reinforced the need to not compare myself to others. I started this with a BMI that just barely qualified and my total fat mass has dropped significantly. She thinks a pound a week is great for where I am at. We reviewed my food log and set some goals. My biggest issue is really not eating. I do not feel hunger anymore, instead I realize I need to eat when I am shaky and weak. That is not ok and also why I am having trouble with my exercise. We have a plan and I will see her in 6 weeks with a goal to have lost 6-8 pounds by then. I said 10, she said 6 so we compromised on 8! I was doing a lot of races pre surgery and really miss my intense workouts. I need to fuel properly so I can get back at it. I know plenty of triathletes and runners that have had WLS so I know I can get back to racing. I will let you know how my goals go.

on 12/17/16 3:15 am
VSG on 06/29/16

I just did the calculator on this site and based on my numbers and goal I am exactly on target! I wish I had done that sooner. All this angst for nothing. Believe in the process... 

on 12/17/16 3:46 pm
VSG on 07/25/16

I'm a slow loser. 5'4'', HW (4/8/16) 273, SW (7/25/16) 252, CW 208 (I think. My home scale says 203, so I added 5 lbs for an office weight with clothes, shoes, different scale, etc). So about 65 lbs down in 9 months and 44 lbs down in almost 5 months. I'm losing about 1 lb a week now (2 on the rare lucky week, sometimes 0). I've had a lot of frustration about my slow weight loss along the way, especially comparing it to people who lose all their weight really quickly. However, losing weight slowly has its advantages. I've stayed in clothes longer, people don't comment a whole lot about my weight loss or make a huge deal out of it, I feel really good, and I still have a bit of extra warmth left over for winter. :) 

You're doing great! Stay the course, get your protein in, drink lots of water, and maybe you can get back to running soon. If I can do it, you can do it. I wasn't a runner pre-op but I'm on week 7 of Couch to 5K and can run 25 minutes without walking now. 

Here's to 199 soon!

on 12/17/16 4:31 pm
VSG on 06/29/16

Hello my fellow slowbie! As I have learned, we really are not slow! Did you see my post from earlier? The calculator has me spot on. We are losing and that is the main thing. My nutritionist thinks 1 lb a week is perfection for me. Her only advise is to eat in a schedule and hit my protein goals so I can get back to my exercise goals. I agree with the benefits of slow. For one, I do not have saggy skin ( well nothing that can't be explained by being 50!) I am not running out of clothes too quickly and people are complimentary without suspicion. 

Onederland is so close I cannot take it. We got this! Good job on your running no. Have you signed up for a "race" yet? They are so much fun and motivating. I never cared where I placed so much as I cared about the accomplishment. 

All the best!!

on 12/18/16 1:06 pm
VSG on 07/25/16

Oh, that's good to know! I've been trying not to compare myself to other people, but it's hard when everybody seems to be losing so much faster. Someone on here once posted that he was losing a pound a DAY for awhile. Good to know we're right on track!

I did a 5K with some coworker friends but we walked most of it. It's so cold here now (below zero) that I'm running on my treadmill. I tend to do every other day, but I'm going to give myself a bonus day today because it's actually kind of fun and I have time.

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