Body isn't doing nothing

on 12/18/16 9:38 am
VSG on 01/05/17

I was struggling with 1.5 lbs for 2 weeks and then realized, with my bariatric coordinator, that the salt in my soup and tuna fish were the culprits.  Once I stopped eating them, I actually weighed in 1.5 BELOW my goal weight. Going to see surgeon this week.  I'm up 1.5 lbs again but think I can get it back down.

I know it's frustrating.  Hang in there.  You just need to fins the right combination.  My recommendation is to start eating chicken and other proteins and get rid of all shakes but 1.

Good luck from NH

(deactivated member)
on 12/12/16 7:58 pm

I had to lose weight prior to being approved, too. Sucks! 

I hear your frustration. You are entitled. What you're going through is really, really tough. What is also tough for all of us pre VSG is to understand the true importance of tracking EVERY SINGLE EFFING BITE YOU EAT. It's work. It's tedious and a pain in the ass when you're not used to it. However, the more you do it, the more habitual it becomes and you won't mind after a while. Knowing (not estimating) how many calories you are eating is ESSENTIAL! Okay, off my soapbox! 

My advice: Eat lots of lean, dense protein. Drink tons of water. Dump the protein drinks. I'd rather you ate a half pound of chicken breast and an apple, and a few almonds (seriously - only a few, like 5). You will feel far more satisfied from that meal than a protein shake. You have not yet had surgery. It's super hard to feel satisfied on a protein drink pre surgery! 

The other thing I recommend is to choose 2 or 3 meals that you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner (so 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners). Know the portions of those meals, the calories and carbs and protein levels for each meal you create. Stick to those three meals for your breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Boring, I know. But it will be worth it in the end.

For instance, now post VSG and 5 years out I eat pretty much the same meal every lunch during the week: 3 oz of meat, 1/4 cup vegetable, 2-3 TBS of a whole food carb. I also eat 1 tsp of grass fed butter with that meal. I've been eating the same breakfast for several years and I eat it in two parts. First I have my coffee, then a protein shake and about an hour after that I have a 1/2 cup of greek yogurt. Boring - sure. But it works to keep me on track. dinner is where I am most flexible now. But prior to VSG I stuck to my three dinners until I lost all the weight. 

Try to stick to 1200 calories per day and no more. If you can manage 1000 you'll lose even more. I would not recommend cheat days or mixing it up to "get things started" again. Stick to plan and believe in the process. Your body will follow suit as long as  you are honestly sticking to your plan. Follow your 1000-1200 calorie plan with fidelity and I promise you will lose weight. 

Wishing you the best. 

White Dove
on 12/13/16 1:33 am - Warren, OH

During my third year after surgery, I started to regain weight.  I went back to the dietitian and she told me never to drink protein shakes again. 

Protein shakes are wonderful after surgery when your insides are swollen and you cannot eat dense protein.  An eight ounce protein shake would last me all day, drinking one or two ounces every three hours or so.  It kept me very full and satisfied.

A normal stomach is the size of a two-liter bottle of soda.  It holds about 28 ounces.  When we are obese, the stomach has stretched out and can hold a lot more.  It will never be full and satisfied on two ounces of protein shake or even on eight or twelve ounces.

The best way to lose weight pre-surgery is by eating lots of meat.  It does not have to be chicken breast.  You can eat chicken, turkey, ham, pork, beef, fish, shrimp, lobster, scallops, sausage, eggs or bacon. You can grill, roast, bake, stir-fry, braise, stew or fry the meat.

Learn to like low-carb veggies.  Green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, celery, raw tomatoes, onions, garlic, spinach, lettuce and salad greens can be prepared and eaten to add fullness, variety and flavor.  Don't eat cereal, rice, pasta, bread, noodles, sugar, flour, pastries, ice cream, or candy.  Make your own salad dressing, commercial versions are full of sugar and calories.

For something sweet stick to berries with no sugar added.  Drink as much water as you can hold.  My food scale is my best kitchen gadget. Weigh everything you eat and track very carefully.  Sugar-free popsicles are a good treat. 

Wear a fitness tracker and get in exercise every day.  Get a smart scale.  I track my weight, BMI, water weight, muscle weight, fat content and bone weight.  My scale downloads to my computer and I have charts with my various numbers.

You will lose weight and still feel satisfied and full of energy.  You will feel so much better and healthier that you will start to think you don't need any surgery.  That is the time to get the surgery.  It will give you a wonderful tool to let you keep the weight off for life.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

(deactivated member)
on 12/13/16 10:52 am - Eugene , OR
VSG on 04/17/17

I had my dietician appointment this am. It went well I've lost weight. I have 11lbs to go and I can do my nutrition classes and be scheduled for surgery! Yay! I've talked to her about my food, my diaries and some things mentioned on here. She wasn't concerned and said to keep going the way the way I'm going. Why? Because... ITS WORKING! When I have surgery I would be getting few calories to begin with, and basically I'm already on a pre-op diet that they require one week before surgery. I will however make some shrimp... sounds so good with some grilled veggies!! 

My last appointment with dietitian is in Jan :) 

Joshua H.
on 12/13/16 11:35 am
VSG on 10/26/16

Awesome!  Glad to hear it went well!
