In complete misery in my body~~scared of surg

on 12/5/16 12:27 pm - MD

Every time I started to feel fear, I redirected my thoughts to the positive aspects and the future. I absolutely REFUSED to let myself think about the surgery. Bad thought raise its head: the what ifs - REDIRECT.

Probably the most important thing, after education and decision, is to find a surgeon and a facility you trust.

Then focus on the rest of your life. You won't even remember the surgery or the recovery room, and you will barely remember the time in hospital after the surgery. Ask for an anti-anxiety med before hand. Sign everything they put in front of you. Ask for prayers and to be surrounded in the Light.

You have your life in front of you - how you choose to live it is in your hands.

I chose not to be trapped in a body that was spiraling downhill far too fast for my likes.

You can do this!!

A saying I like (think of a baby bird on the edge of its nest)

Baby Bird: "What if I fall?"

Mommy Bird: "What if you FLY?!!"

Every baby bird is afraid to leave the nest. Spread your wings and FLY!!   :)

I've been fat, and I've been thin - and thin is better.  

There is a better way. --Alaine of Lyndar 
HW: 234. SW: 228 (18 June 2015). GW: 137. Specs: 50ish, 5'4"

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 12/5/16 2:26 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

For the last week or so before surgery, I was convinced I was going to die on the operating table. I gave my husband all of my online passwords and wrote goodbye letters "just in case." So I've been there, done that. 

Someone pointed out to me a few days before surgery-- yeah, I could die during surgery, which is a one-time thing. Or I could live every day risking a stroke because of my poor health, and re-live that risk every single day until I got my **** together. THAT really woke me up.

Turns out, I was fine. Yeah, recovery hurt-- that's what happens when you're cut apart and stitched back together-- but that's why we have pain medication. And three years post-op, I hurt a whole helluva lot less than I did with sore joints and being exhausted all the time.

Up to a point, you just have to DO it, exactly like your therapist says.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 12/6/16 12:16 pm
VSG on 11/17/16

I can relate.  Let me say this.  I was 386 right before surgery and three weeks out.  I am 349.   Do the surgery.  I too got a little scared right before surgery.  I don't know why as I have had surgery before on various parts of my body like my elbow and shoulder.  I will say this is the best decision I have made.  The weight coming off and just feeling better.  Also the fact that I am in clothes that I couldn't wear a couple weeks ago.  You will do fine.  

on 12/6/16 3:55 pm
VSG on 04/02/13

I was in much the same place and nearly the same age, afraid of the pain of surgery.  To be honest, there isnt really much pain related to the surgery.  The roughest part is the first 2 days and most of that is the ill-feeling from the anesthesia and the sore throat from the intubation and not being able to drink immediately after you wake up **** cubes and mouth swab = best friends!).  You do not feel pain from your stomach being cut at all, in fact you may question whether they even touched it.  The other pain is from the big port near your belly button where they have to cut through some muscle, and this is mostly discomfort unless you cough, laugh, or strain from moving wrong (bring a pillow for the ride home and have an extra in your recovery bed).  Other than that, you'll feel blah for the first week, then if you are like me, you'll just wake up some morning and be ready to go.  I jsut put on my big boy pants (literally!) and went on with my days.

Tell your admitting nurse or anesthesiologist that you are nervous and scared .. they'll give you something to calm down before surgery.  I won't say not to be afraid because you have the right to feel whatever you want ... but trust me, its a very short term that you will be unhappy from this ... and the days, years, decades after will be a million times better because of it!


HW: 407   Final Appointment : 376   Pre-op Diet Start: 367   SW: 350 (Apr2/2013) Add me on MFP


on 12/6/16 3:57 pm
VSG on 04/02/13

also, stay ahead with the pain medication.  like if they give you something and say its good for 4 hours ... set a freaking timer and buzz the nurse at that time.  no reason to not take the pain meds, they help you sleep and move .. .very important.


HW: 407   Final Appointment : 376   Pre-op Diet Start: 367   SW: 350 (Apr2/2013) Add me on MFP


on 12/9/16 5:35 pm
RNY on 06/03/15

boy, so many of your stories sound like mine.  I was afraid of the surgery, too, so I contemplated it for probably five years.  I finally decided I either bite the bullet and have this surgery, or I was going to be dead in 10 years.  So I did it.  And boy did I make the right decision - I couldn't possibly be any happier! I feel like a completely different person!

I really didn't have any pain to speak of - just sore abs for a few days that felt like I'd done a thousand crunches.  It made transitioning in and out of bed a bit tricky - I was pretty sore -but if i was just lying there - or sitting there - I really had no pain at all.  Recovery was quick.  The first couple of weeks were tough because I had some nausea spells the first couple of days and I was super tired and so limited in what I could eat, but it passed very quickly.

and you're right about living in pain right now.  At 373 lbs, I was in constant pain.  And I was always worried about having a heart attack.   I could only walk comfortably for a few feet and stand for maybe five minutes.   I feel fantastic now.   I would highly recommend the surgery.  I would do it again in a heartbeat.   In fact, if I had to go back every stinking year to have it done, I'd do that, too!!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163
