5 & 1/2 years after VSG

on 12/2/16 1:39 pm - NC

I am so happy that things are getting better for you! It is very sad that society is like that. I am glad your children have you to role model a better life for them.

Those "yo mamma so fat" jokes still bother me to this day. My sons don't remember me ever being anything but skinny so they tell those jokes sometimes. I always remind them that it hurts people to hear that and that they should not share those kind of jokes. They seem  to get it but are still kids so they need reminding from time to time. Lol

Thanks for sharing, I wish you continued success! 





On my way!!!!!!

on 12/2/16 9:18 am - MD

Hi, Crystal,  I also chose Dr. Aceves after much research, although in the end was not able to have my surgery from him. He was wonderful, though, and his loss still saddens me - he helped so very many people. Gone Too Soon.

I'm not going to yell at you, but would just like to suggest you picik up and watch the film, "Food, Inc" from your local library. Fast food (Big Macs?!) is not only detrimental to your personal long term health (as a nurse, you already know that!), but is also detrimental to the environment. Not to mention the animals who endure hideous lives to get into that shiny fast food box. Just how bad (evil, really) it really is, is covered up by the Big Food industry - exactly like Big Tobacco. But the info is out there, and life long health is a choice we all can make daily.


I've been fat, and I've been thin - and thin is better.  

There is a better way. --Alaine of Lyndar 
HW: 234. SW: 228 (18 June 2015). GW: 137. Specs: 50ish, 5'4"

on 12/2/16 12:07 pm - NC

You are so right! His death is a huge loss for sure. At least he left a lasting impact on the world. That has to bring some measure of peace to his family. He was a blessing to this world for sure.

As for food inc., I actually have seen that film. It is horrifying isn't it. Just when you think you are doing the right thing, eating chicken etc. then you find out all the dang food on the market has been tweaked and it may not even be healthy for you. Wow. You can't even get good food that is actually good for you! Lol. I have tried to each more organic food since I saw the documentary, many years ago.

I rarely do eat McDonalds though. Mostly because my son was telling me one day about how there was an experiment done where they showed their hamburger many years later and how not any bacteria grew on it and it had not molded at all. Gross!! What is it that no mold even grew on it? Then I started thinking about the random French fry I would find when I would vacuum out my car and how it did look exactly as it had the day I ordered it. So, I decided whatever those foods were made, could not be good for my consumption.

Thanks for the reminder though. Food inc really was enlightening and frightening. It's crazy how the world no longer seems to care about anything but making more money. The main good thing I did get from the film was that there is a seed bank somewhere that has the original seeds before the greedy companies go to altering the genetic makeup of our food supply. I guess that is a grain of hope anyway.

Take care and happy holidays!

On my way!!!!!!

on 12/4/16 6:07 am

I think that movie should be on the list of prerequisites for surgery :) It really helped me at least be much more aware of the crap I was eating. 

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

Valerie G.
on 12/2/16 9:27 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Like you, I pretty much eat what I like.  I try to be mindful about not overdoing it with bad things and still put protein first on priority, but I love food and enjoy a little bit of everything.  11 years later, I've regained only 14% of the 146 lbs I lost.  I'm tickled to death and loving life, too.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 12/2/16 11:38 am - NC

So cool!! I am so happy for you!!


11 years strong!! Awesome!!!


You go girl!!!

On my way!!!!!!

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 12/2/16 5:07 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Congrats on maintaining your weight loss.  I'm surprised that you find it amazing that the people on 600lb life sometimes don't lose the weight with surgery. Maybe you've never used food as an emotional crutch? Usually once you get to that weight food isn't just food anymore, it becomes your everything. i.e your friend that doesn't judge, the reward of you've been good you deserve this, or you've screwed up you deserve this etc, etc. 

When I was a heavyweight (366+lbs), I would've killed to be where you were at your heaviest (230lbs). When food is used to fill something else emotion wise, surgery by itself generally won't help., at least not in the long run.,imo.

I think in general that's why surgery by itself, doesn't help some people, whether they be 600+lbs or 200+lbs.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


on 12/2/16 6:51 pm - NC

Yeah, I guess I may not have been as a big of an emotional eater as some people. I did emotional eat but I guess not as much as some people.

You make a good point though that in order to get that weight, they must have had some emotional ties to food or they might not have reached that weight. I guess that's part of why I put in my post that for people with those issues, it may not work as easily as it has for me. 

I am a nurse so I do tell some of my really large patients about the success I have witnessed and try to present it as a possible option that might help them. I was surprised to hear from several of them though that they still eat when they are full and that because of that, they don't think it would work for them. They say their problem is more mental. I guess that would be very difficult to fix.

I think when you are out of control though, it can be hard to tell why you are exactly. I was told by so many people it was lack of self control, it was emotions, it was..... you name it, I was told that was my problem. Now I can see more clearly my main problem was probably mainly true hunger. I honestly am still not sure what drove me to eat in excess but I am so glad whatever it was it seems to have gone, at least for now. Like everyone, I can't say what the future holds but I did want to share my journey so far in case someone out there could benefit from it.

Thank you for you insight. As a nurse, I always value insight in to people's problems, so I can learn how I can help them best. Unfortunately some things are just not in my ability to fix. Hopefully people in that positon can find a good counselor that can help them to overcome this disease. I see the terrible pain and suffering it causes in my work every day. It's so sad. I wish I had the answers can could help them.

Anyway, good luck on your journey!


On my way!!!!!!

on 12/3/16 8:30 pm

Congrats on a great 5.5 !!!

You look great and posted your truth and it sounds very realistic as it is obvious that you know whats up.

Am I jealous that I can't do what you can do? Yes, a bit..... but there is nothing really that I don't eat, I think I just need to keep it a bit tighter than you do.

I really liked what you said about picking your surgeon. I always heard great things about Dr. Aceves and Dr. Alvares, back than we called them the two A's.

With the VSG being a non-standardized procedure, the results tend to be all over the place.

I've always said, lose the weight first, than get experimental and find your balance in maintenance.


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 12/4/16 5:07 am - NC

Hey Firsco!!

You have been on this site a long, long time! I remember you from back when I had my surgery. You and your food porn! Lol!!

I remember your photos and that you inspired me clear back then. I am so glad to hear you are still doing well my friend! I knew you would though.

It is interesting what you said about VSG not being standardized. I really have seen a lot of variations on results. I remember back in the day there was a lot of discussion about "bogie size". I don't know how much that has to do with anything. I also think the talked of trying not to leave any stretchy part of the stomach left. I have no idea how much any of that has to do with my result but I do know what I selected my doctor based on how well his patients tended to do in the long run. I guess that may be part of why it has worked so well. Curious if you have any input on that. I am sure people who are pre-op would love to know why it has worked out this way for me. I am sure it's a lot of people's dream to be able to eat all they  want and still weigh what they did in high school. Lol. I would love to say it's something I have done but I know it's really not, other than I have never been one to eat beyond when I was full. That was true even when I was fat. Lol.

Anyway, I am sure you know some of the old regulars from 5-6 years ago. You are one in my mind. Lol.


As always, it's great to hear from you and I am so happy that you have continued to succeed Frisco!!


On my way!!!!!!
