
on 12/12/16 6:40 am



Hope you are doing good.  Thank you for the advice and tips.  Cheeseburger sounds so good right now, but I am not ready to eat beef.  Do you have days when you are hungrier than others? Yesterday was one of those days for me. I hate that.


Write back soon!

on 12/12/16 7:09 pm
VSG on 07/06/15

I am doing better. Was just a little blue and when that happens I become hypercritical and beat up on myself. Eh, **** happens. 

I used to get violently ill when I would eat hamburger. It still upsets my stomach. I am fine with fish, chicken, and pork. Give me a cheeseburger and you are going to get dinner and a show. LMAO!

The only time I feel hungry is when I am not eating right or I am not eating multiple times in a day. I always have nuts on me or a protein bar. Having a go to snack that you can enjoy is always a plus. 

Believe it or not. When I am craving a salty crunchy snack I will get a small bag, 1 serving, of pork rinds, not plain, the hot and spicy ones...oh my gosh sooo good. :) But be careful, I know some people have issues with those and other foods we are all different. I also track what I take in religiously. 




on 12/13/16 6:23 am

Funny you say that. I constantly feel like I am not losing weight  and I beat myself up over that.  I don't plan on eating red meat anytime soon. Dinner and a show would be funny! You know yesterday I ate a small apple with peanut butter for breakfast, man that gave me the runns from hell- TMI I know.


I always have nuts with me too. I have no idea what protein bars to buy- what do you buy?


I eat pork rinds too- down here we have the real pork rinds( pork cracklings) the hot and spicy ones are the bomb!  I am Mexican so hot and spicy is my middle name!   I track what I eat too and that makes me think twice about what I am going to eat.


What do you do for work? What is your name?  Where are you from ?  My name is Rosie


Write back soon! Have a great day!

on 11/30/16 7:30 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On November 30, 2016 at 12:54 AM Pacific Time, ChubbyHubby82 wrote:

So I am down 180+ pounds in 17 months. There are days I feel like I take one step forward and two steps back. I finally landed a job and am still single.

There are days that I am just a malcontent and jealous cynic. I am slowly accepting the fact that at thirty-four I probably won't be having kids. My proverbial biological clock is winding down. It is depressing, and it makes me angry because I thought that my plan involved children or a family of some kind. My Mom even said it the other day. My reply, "What. I'm not allowed to have kids or a family of my own." It's as if she has written me off. It hurt and stung. I don't think she understands that people my age are having children later and later. It is rarer to have kids young anymore.

I am single and would like someone for myself. It just isn't happening and comparatively to those around me this too is a source of frustration. I am tired of doing things by myself and alone. I am tired of experiencing cool things alone. I'm just tired of trying so hard with little to show for it.

I am glad that I have not fallen into bad habits or old habits and resist temptation.

I had a vacation planned out and paid for in Toulouse next year on a 54-hectare vineyard. Alone. It sounds lovely, but at the same time just sad. I just want what others have in a significant other which is out of reach for me at the moment.

Just venting because this seems to be the one place where people get me.


men don't have a biological cloc in the sense that sperm is produced till death. So don't worry on that account. 




on 12/4/16 1:43 pm
VSG on 07/06/15

You are right. At the same time most, if not all my friends are having kids. I was not planning on being an older parent. There is that prime time when we all think we are going to have kids.  



on 11/30/16 9:13 am - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

I was 34 when I had my first child, and 36 for the second child... and I'm a woman. You ARE NOT too old to worry about not having kids.

Depression aside (I think others covered that), let's talk about your availability...

What are you doing to meet someone? If i were single these days, I would MOST DEFINITELY do the online dating scene... and I'd pick the most expensive one out there, because that way you're not wasting your time with those too cheap (or broke) to spend $30/month to meet someone. If you're paying for it, then you're also more serious. I have a 56yo friend that has a blast, and has met several nice guys (unfortunately she wasn't mentally ready for them then, but now she's over the loser and hopefully it'll go better).

There are also these 'activity groups' that I've heard about on the radio ( comes up with a quick google search). These groups concentrate more on 'going places and doing things' as a group, giving you friends, and possibly romantic options, along the way. At least this way you can go do things, get to know folks with similar interests, and get out! The UPS person won't be your love interest most likely, and if you're not getting out, you'll never meet anyone. (and I know from my mom and friends that the women FAR OUTWEIGH the men on these sites, you'll have better chances that way too!)

Church groups, if you're into your church are probably a good source as well.

Yes, I know, it's easier said than done... but I do remember being single and so desperately wanting to be married and have children! Set your mind on a healthy path of finding a good soul mate, and you can.

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

on 11/30/16 9:29 am - MD

pammieanne: My BFF is engaged to a guy she met on Craig's List. Yes, seriously. Craig's List.  She's 63, He's 61. Second marriage for both. She tried a lot of other dating sites over the past 8 years, but for her age group, the pickings are slim. This guy is the first one she's ever dated I've actually liked, in all the years we've been BFFs: he's a good Catholic man who devoted his life to raising his daughters after his wife ghosted when they were small. He's seriously involved with his extended family, and financially sound.  They're lovely together.  Only reason I bring this up is to say: be open to trying whatever dating site works for you. :)

Men don't have biological clocks, btw. I missed that. There is at least one case on the record books of a man fathering children in THREE DIFFERENT CENTURIES. If Clint Eastwood and innumerable others can father kids well into their 60s and 70s - so can you, OP. You're only as old as you feel when it comes to raising and running around after kids.

Women, on the other hand, have a definite biological clock. We're born with a predetermined supply of gametes, and when those eggs are gone, they're gone... and well before they're all gone, they're kinda stale. Yes, there are options (IVF, hormones, egg donation, surrogacy, adoption, etc.), but they're not easy, can be risky (health-wise), and are definitely not inexpensive.

I've been fat, and I've been thin - and thin is better.  

There is a better way. --Alaine of Lyndar 
HW: 234. SW: 228 (18 June 2015). GW: 137. Specs: 50ish, 5'4"

on 11/30/16 10:15 am - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

Wow, that's amazing! And I should rethink my thoughts about dating sites, for sure! (and while I'm at it, point my mom in that direction... she's 69 and I'd really LOVE for her to meet someone!)

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

Heather L.
on 11/30/16 11:45 am - Coquitlam, Canada
VSG on 03/26/15

It's a total cliche, but I truly believe that you don't find someone who will love you until you can love yourself.  

I was where you are.  Alone. Desperate. Depressed.  Convinced that I was doomed to live my life alone and lonely.  Slowly, I was lucky enough to find friends with whom I could be truly myself and that showed me that I was good enough and I had value.  When I finally *believed* that... that is when my life started opening up opportunities for me to, eventually, find the exact right person for me.

It's not easy and its not quick, but it's the only way I was able to let go of the desperation I felt and become someone worth loving.

I hope you can find that love for yourself and, eventually, that love of another person.  We all deserve that.

VSG Mar 26, 2015 Dr. Sharadh Sampath -- 5'3" -- 47YO -- HW: 294 - SW: 261 - CW: 192 - GW: 175
Bi-lateral Brachioplasty May 8, 2017 Dr. Owen Reid
Lower Body Lift Oct 2, 2017 Dr. Owen Reid

"Weight is lost in kitchens, health is gained in gyms." - Dr. Yoni Freedhoff

on 11/30/16 12:38 pm
VSG on 08/01/16

There are all kinds of online websites that have members that meet up in groups and do things around town or go on trips together. People that have the same interest like hiking, dancing, traveling etc. One is call Just google it. They actually seem fun to me. 

Sleeved 8/1/16

HW 285 / SW 276 / GW 160


