Keto diet after vsg
Good morning, thank you for the info, if you have time could you give me an example of 1 breakfast, lunch, and dinner to eat for weight loss success. Which veggies are low carb? Thank you for your help and your time.
B. Eggs a any way,bacon or turkey bacon,sausage ,any left over meat from a previous meal,cheese,
l tuna or tuna salad,lunch meat,leftover anything,string cheese,boiled and or deviled eggs
D any meat ,same as lunch
Low carb vets green beans,broccoli,cauliflower,sweet pepper,celery
check out this site
on 11/29/16 11:14 am
You had your surgery almost 1 month after I did and you are only 5 lbs away from the amount I have lost to date (including pre-op). I think you are doing just fine. My surgeon is ecstatic with my progress as I am sure yours is as well. I eat around 1000-1100 calories a day but I also exercise at the gym almost nightly. I am not sure of your starting weight but I feel like you have made awesome progress. Try not to get discouraged and don't compare yourself to others (easier said than done). We all lose at our own pace. The point is that we are losing. Just stick to your plan (or do KETO/PALEO/etc) and track what you are eating so that you can make modifications if necessary. You are doing a great job!!!