Life changing event and a little weight gain

on 11/13/16 3:52 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

This is a huge change, be kind to yourself. Routine is always our friend and you will figure out how to get back to it. Don't worry about the working out- I am sure you are plenty active with the addition of 5 grandchildren...

Remember the stress eating isn't helping  the stress.... focus there. The stress is real, need to figure out where your outlets are to de-stress without eating.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 11/13/16 6:15 pm
WLS on 12/21/15

I have 2 of mine and that is tough enough! Time management has been the toughest obstacle as the routine changes daily around here because of sports, school, church and other activities. I also work full time around all of that and there is no other adult in the home. 

  Make a list for yourself what YOU NEED TO ACCOMPLISH TO STAY SUCCESSFUL. Whatever your exercise schedule is - try to stick to it as much as possible to maintain normalcy. I take 1 or 2 days a week and weigh measure cook and freeze my food. All I have to do is pull out what I need and count the containers and calories at the end of the day to stay accountable. Whatever system you put in place should make it easier in the long run so whatever works for you. Everything else will fall into place around it.    Just remember that Your health and success have to come first. In order to lead them you will need to stay healthy and focused. After you make that list for yourself make a list on the needs of the children and what you can accomplish (without super powers.) The rest put on another list and call your family and friends. Be upfront on what voids need to be filled and ask in what areas you can count on their support. Be specific and if they volunteer for a specific role put their name down. It sounds like you have a great support system and that they are willing and able to pitch in. You did not say how old the children are but even at a very young age they are old enough to accept some kind of responsibility. (This helped us gel together quickly as a new family unit.) Even if it is just helping Granny calculate calories and carbs for math homework . LOL! 


on 11/13/16 9:24 pm
VSG on 12/29/15 with

They range from 2 months to 7 yrs old. Thanks for the suggestions.



on 11/14/16 7:54 pm
WLS on 12/21/15


   You won't need to worry about being sedentry! You are going to be very active!

   We are all here for you and I would like to personally encourage you as one who is in it with you! Remember you were appointed and created and prepared for this season ( so even if if it doesn't feel like it sometimes) You are going to be victorious and a true inspiration to all of your generations.

   All of those extra pounds had to leave so you would have the energy and stamina to accomplish this new task. You will not fail at any part of this journey including your very personal ones. You have already overcome and will teach your generations how to be over comers. 

     Can't wait to hear about every one of the victories both small and large. Stay the path.


on 11/13/16 7:36 pm

Sorry that you are having to deal with not only what ever unfortunate cir****tances have occurred, but with the resulting upheaval in everyone's lives. Thankfully they have a loving grandmother to give them normalcy in their lives, and fortunately you have the support of family. 

I can't imagine what you're going through - I'm not sure too many of us can fully comprehend, but we can certainly be here to offer whatever support we can. Hopefully once everyone is settled into the new living arrangement you'll be able to take a step back, take a deep breath and then get yourself back on track. I think that once things are calmer, you'll be fine and those 5 pounds will come off fast.

As others have said, hopefully this will be an opportunity to teach your grandbabies good eating habits which will in turn help you. Just a thought....maybe a silly thought, but I'll put it out there anyway........for exercise, can you do it as a team "sport?" Maybe go for a run or walk together? Create your own "gym" in the living room? If that works, in addition to helping you, it will give them a good start on healthy habits.

No matter what, we're here for you...... 

Good friends are like stars. 
You don't always see them but you always know they're there. 



on 11/14/16 3:33 am - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

I think your huge accomplishment is to so quickly recognize your reaction to this life upset is stress eating  

Everyone has given you great ideas on how to manage this situation and your awareness of stress eating is going to mean you will stop and get it under control.  Good for you.

H.A.L.A B.
on 11/14/16 5:59 am

Hugs and good luck. You need it. 

And remember - diet -95%, exercise- 5% impact on weight loss/gain. 

Exercise keeps me toned. Diet keeps my skinny. 

Bad diet may also contribute to stress ...(sugar high and low) 

I would try to change diet.. then slowly add exercise for well being.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 11/15/16 7:30 am

OMG, last April my niece-in-law got into trouble with the law and had her two children a 1 and 3 year old taken away and I was the only relative that would take them.  The first few months were horrible because the children were used to being neglected and they had no rules or structure.  I can't imagine five.  The only advice I have for you is when you reach for something to eat make it protein first them a little bit of whatever else.  You might also be depressed because your freedom has been taken away, so please recognize and deal with that accordingly.  Everyone says it's a good thing you're doing but don't realize how hard it is.  I had to call the social worker and tell them I needed child care and they gave it to me for free based off of the mothers income.  I also applied for k-tap for the children.  In other words, they can go to daycare during the day so you can keep your sanity.  

 Surgery date 9-23-15, SW: 212 CW: 125

Doctors goal reached in 6 months. Personal goal reached in 11 months

on 11/15/16 9:18 pm
VSG on 12/29/15 with

Wow, you know exactly what I am going through. Thanks for the encouragement and the suggestions.


