2 weeks post op - am I eating too much?

on 11/3/16 1:10 pm
VSG on 10/18/16

I'm two week post op, on the pureed stage of my diet, so everything I eat needs to be able to slip thru a fork. I wait the half hour before and after eating, but I can easily eat 4-6oz of soup. I can't really tell if I'm full, I just stop eating when I don't feel hungry anymore. I'm also having no problem fitting in my 64oz of water. I've switched my protein shakes to a new protein powder I found that is 30g protein per tablespoon, so I eat that in watered down yogurt. Am I eating too much? I eat the soup about twice a day, then my protein yogurt (2oz) 3 times a day, andy 64 oz of water.

I read that I should be eating 2-4T by now and I was like uh-oh. Did I stretch my stomach too far?? In the 1 week I've been eating pureed food??

The info I get from my Dr is the diet they want you to be on. Which I don't mind, but I'd also like some sort of info saying what I can't eat and why. No beef for one year. (ok, is that their diet plan or necessary for healing?) Coffee isn't even on the list at all. And is the reason I have to eat high protein but low fat for diet reasons or to heal?? (I know why high protein it's the fat I was curious about.) I don't mind knowing the diet plan, but I wish I could get healing info - and why, not just the diet part. I like to know it all. 

Any info you have to share is greatly appreciated.

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 11/3/16 1:26 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

If you're referring to the Genepro protein (30g protein per T), you're best sticking to what you were on before. There's no possible way you can get that much protein in so little mass, no matter what the marketing stuff tells you.

Some people have no trouble with liquids and that's OK. They go right through your stomach and you can't stretch anything by drinking water.

But if your instructions say stick for 2 - 4 T soup? Stick to it. The nerves in your stomach have been cut, and you won't feel any sort of sensation of fullness... or OVER fullness... for quite a while.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 11/3/16 1:32 pm
VSG on 10/18/16

As far as the protein goes, my question wasn't about the protein I'm using. But, if you have any information you've found to back that up I'd be curious to read it. That is the protein my Dr's office recommended.

Mary Catherine
on 11/3/16 2:36 pm

Genepro is a scam where they say they have found a secret way to fit a lot of protein into a small amount.  It is like saying you can use this magic cup that is only the size of one cup, but you can pour three cups of water into it. 

Real body builders laugh about it.  They target weight loss surgery people because we are naïve and easily sold their magic formula.  They are making lots of money.  Try googling Genepro scam for information.

on 11/3/16 2:38 pm
VSG on 10/18/16

I have, thank u. But my question is not about my protein.

on 11/3/16 3:46 pm, edited 11/3/16 8:47 am - WI

You asked for the "healing info" and that is what we are trying to give you.  Proper protein supplementation is ESSENTIAL to healing.  The protein you are using is useless.  You are not actually getting 30 grams in two spoons full.  Your body will start devouring your muscles as a protein source if you don't get adequate protein through supplementation.  Your heart is a muscle.  Whey Isolate is the easiest to absorb.

You can get enough fuel to live on by burning the fat you have stored on your body. You can survive on almost no food until the fat on your body is used up. You won't starve for a very long time.

If you take your vitamins, you will be nutritionally sound so you don't really have to worry about eating veggies for awhile.  Veggies are a really good source of fiber, but with your limited stomach size you need to eat protein because you can not get protein in a vitamin.

If you get a minimum of 64 ounces of fluid you won't get dehydrated.  I have to drink 120 ounces to feel good.  The biggest culprit for constipation is not drinking enough fluids or not eating enough healthy fat.

Fats don't make you fat.  I eat full fat cheese, butter, etc.  I don't eat a large amount of fat, but a reasonable amount of fat will keep you feeling more satisfied.  Carbs are what you need to be mindful of.  Too many simple carbs will slow or stop your weight loss ( anything made with flour, sugar, or that is heavily processed).  Low fat "diet" foods are much higher in carbs,  Read the label.

You need to learn to be a rule follower.  If your plan says 2 to 4 tablespoons, then that is what you need to measure out and eat.  Now is the time to retrain yourself on how to be satisfied with a small portion.  Measuring your food and forcing yourself to stop eating when that food is gone will help you learn what  proper portion looks like and to be satisfied with a small amount.  You should never eat until you feel full.  If you feel full, you've eaten too much.  Never drink with your meals.

It's Ok to allow yourself to feel hunger.  Many of us have used that full sensation as an emotional crutch.  We have never allowed ourselves to truly feel hunger.  We feed ourselves at the first sign.  We have impulse control issues.  We say "I want" and we give into the craving. Not feeling full is NOT the same thing as feeling hungry.  Scheduling meal times and eating by the clock will help you.  If you feel hungry between schedule meals ignore it.  If you are eating a little something every 3 to 4 hours you will be fine. Hunger is not an emergency! Finding things to busy yourself works great.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 11/3/16 3:51 pm
VSG on 10/18/16

The food, and measuring information is  what I was asking about. Thank you for your help.

Sai F.
on 11/3/16 6:55 pm
VSG on 09/02/16

Genepro is not  scam like I keep seeing people post. They purify their protein and add enzymes to make it more bioavailable. Surgeons tell their patients to take it because it more pure than the crap that is out there right now. The rumor all started by a competitor on a bodybuilding site after they won an award. That is why your Dr's office recommended it as well as many many others. It's a medical grade, more pure than most what is out there. They are not being sued like one many of their competitors because they cheated and spiked their proteins. 


As far as protein, don't worry about how much you are eating, you won't stretch your sleeve. Your goals in the beginning is to make sure you get your doctor's protein and water amount. When you get ok'd for solids, you'll definitely feel what too much feels like. :)

Banded June 2009- Allergan 10mL AP-S

Revised to Sleeve in September 2016

on 11/3/16 8:53 pm
RNY on 08/21/12

Whey protein isolate is the most bioavailable protein available. Genepro is not three times more bioavaolable. It is not physically possible to get 30 grams of protein in a ten gram serving. Think about that. YOU CANNOT GET 30 GRAMS OF PROTEIN AND 56 CALORIES IN A 1O GRAM SERVING!!!!!

This unscrupulous company is taking advantage of an unregulated supplement market to fleece desperate consumers. By the time the lawsuits against them reach their inevitable conclusion, they will have pocketed their scam money and moved on to their next crime.


6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

Sai F.
on 11/4/16 2:25 pm
VSG on 09/02/16

You can purify proteins through column chromatography, and electrophoresis. Study the clinical trials about prohydrolase and how enzymes help protein absorption and make it more bioavailable. The point is, it doesn't matter if you eat 100000 g protein if the majority of it isn't absorbed or if they spike it with crap. I purify proteins as a living, and the science is sound. There are other companies like Nutricia where 2 T equal 15 g of hydrolyzed collagen protein and yet it has tons of other ingredients like Malic acid, Glycerin and a zillion other things plus the protein... Yet it's only 2T. One can't break it down to purely a weight to weight concerning protein. It's all about bioavailability.

Having said that, I will stop here concerning Genepro. Believe what you want. 

Banded June 2009- Allergan 10mL AP-S

Revised to Sleeve in September 2016
