Gerd / nausea - any suggestions?

on 10/28/16 9:07 pm
VSG on 10/03/16

Hi everyone 

I have done plenty of research and checked the site and I'm pretty confident I'm suffering from Gerd. I never experienced this before the surgery.

I'm nearly 4 weeks post op VSG and I haven't been able to sleep without a tri pillow propping me up since the op.  If I try I get a burning sensation at the top of my chest and i always wake with a taste like I've chewed copper all night long ugh! I'm taking the prescribed PPI omeprazole which seemed to be helping and following my surgeons instructions religiously. She is happy with things and said to just continue as is. I take a probiotic and kefir water daily. I have to take multiple medications before I go to bed (they must be taken at this time) and I worry this is making the acid reflux worse but know I have to take them.

It really kicked off again a few days ago when I graduated to making homemade spaghetti sauce (Lamb mince no pasta) and hasn't really stopped. So in my reading I see tomato and garlic can be bad, lesson learned. I woke up thinking I was choking on my own vomit (I want but it felt that way).

I'm terrified it will never resolve itself and I guess I'm after advice from anyone who also has experienced this, how it has turned out.  Also generally just after some support because I'm pretty tired from sleeping upright and worried about the whole thing... but I will add I am happy with my decision and committed to do what I have to do to get and stay healthy.

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

on 10/28/16 9:44 pm


I never had GERD before surgery and I have yet (2.5 weeks) to experience. I don't have many answers for you but I can say that I have come across many threads on different sites where people have experienced similar to you. Each one has had community suggestions that have seemed to work. I have also heard that it could just be a stage. I am sorry I can't remember any of the suggestions except go back to stage one/two of diet for a couple days and start reintroducing foods.

However, hang in there. I am certain you will find some answers. :)


on 10/28/16 10:01 pm
VSG on 10/03/16

Thanks for the response.  I have searched and found quite a bit about it but it all seems to be quite dated or without updates on what actually worked (after suggestions).

I'm working on alkalizing my food and protein as much as possible, and definitely going back to basics. I'm just praying it does move on eventually it's really bloody awful :(

Thanks for the support, it's just what I need right now... but tomorrow is another day and I will hopefully get out of the funk I'm feeling today. 

All the best with your recovery I'm delighted to hear it is all going well for you. Onwards we go to successful weight loss and a healthy life!

on 10/29/16 6:47 am
VSG on 04/14/14

Ok 1) contact your doctor. Tell her about the vomit feeling and copper taste. They may up acid meds. If not, ask if you can take an over the counter Zantac. Take prescription in am, zantac at night.  They may do an endoscopy to test the levels of acid.. I've done both. 

Anything with tomatos will set you off. It is acidic. Research acidic foods, don't eat them! Ketchup is worse for me than speghetti sauce. (It's tomato and vinegar so twice as bad). 

The best thing I have found for night time meds is to make a protein pudding. You just need a little. I use 2 oz cups, so it might have 1 1/2 oz of pudding.  Take meds then pudding. You tummy needs something in it to use the built up acid digesting the meds make. Plus you get protein. Yay! 

 I asked doc why it was worse at night. He said it basically builds up all day and by dinner time when I eat, it explodes. His words.

So tiny meals every 2 to 3 hours seems to help it from building up vs going 4 to 6 hours and letting acid build up in empty stomach.  



           HW:292 / SW:258 / CW 173.9


Anne O.
on 10/29/16 11:41 am, edited 10/29/16 4:42 am - Jacksonville, FL
Revision on 06/30/16

Your experience is similar to mine.  After surgery the prilosec wasn't working, so doubled the dose; still didn't work. Added zantac at night; still didn't work. Tried a couple of other meds: nexium and dexilant and they worked better. Now I am on one dose of protonix per day and that is working - so far.  

I am four months out now. I have found that - for me - kombucha and digestive enzymes help. I drink 4 oz. of kombucha twice a day (about 8 oz. total) Tomatoes don't bother me - it's caffeine that is my reflux trigger. 

I can sleep on my back or side all night without any reflux as long as I don't eat anything solid before bed. 

I am seeing some improvement as time goes by. I really hope that, eventually, I will be able to get off of the PPIs. I don't like the long term effects of those and don't want to be taking them forever. The GI that I saw after surgery believes that the reflux should go away as I lose more and more weight. My surgeon told me that I may be able to go off of the PPIs six months after surgery. We'll see. 


