Left shoulder extreme gas pain

on 10/2/16 12:44 am
VSG on 09/20/16

I had surgery on 9/20 and experienced the expected adominal gas pains with taking in fluids and had finally reach the moment on day 8 whereally I could take in more fluids easily.

However that evening I experienced discomfort while sleeping and the next morning had pain in my left shoulder and neck with every deep breath and literally felt gas moving straight into the upper area. By that evening of day 9 post op I couldn't sleep at all...the  I went for a 30 min walk at lunch and was dbl over with extreme pain as I took air into my lungs. Literally every breath. That night I couldn't sleep. The next day I had my one week surgerical follow up and brought to to my doc. I was told gas pain. But the took me to get adominal CT scans with contrast to make sure all was well. My Surgical RN saw air in my upper stomach but they assured all was well. I couldn't sleep for 30 hrs straight the pain is so bad I was in tears. It is worset when I lay down. It is noe Sunday 330am and I don't know what to do. My shoulder neck and head on left is all sore from the constant muscle spasm that come when air shifts...the pains are sharp like stabbing repeadily. I walked none stop around my apt sat for over an hr like a zombie. I'm happy for my decision but this is making me totally miserable and depressed. I cannot sleep or simply relax with my feet up. I am sitting in the middle of the night as gas bubbles come up into my throat giving me nausea and stabbing pains continuously. Help please  last night wa's my first sleep but pain shocked me awake causing more pain.

on 10/2/16 8:00 am
VSG on 10/15/14

I am really sorry you are having so much discomfort . This does sound like an extreme case regarding the gas leaving your system. I am glad that your doc listened to you and did the CT to rule out any unexpected problems. What comfort measures have you tried? Have you used a heating pad or a damp towel heated in the micro wave? Drape it over the sites that hurt the worst, the warmth will bring additional circulation to the area. Continue to walk. What about something for pain during this time. It is not usually required but you are not able to sleep . Sleep is healing and restorative to body and mind. You mentioned gas bubbles in your throat making you nauseas , that may be a different issue. Are you on anything for acid post op? Try a Tums or something like that when that happens to see if it helps. If this hangs on, call the doc back. They may not have a quick solution but keep them informed. We are pulling for you. Each day should see some improvement. 

HW=263  SW=253 CW=160 GW=140

on 10/3/16 12:55 pm - Vernon, NJ

I hope you find comfort soon. Did the Dr suggest anything besides walking?

on 10/3/16 1:04 pm
VSG on 09/20/16

No, just lots of walking and ometpracol (priosec) daily for 30 days.  It seems I have the gas pain plus reflux. Making it hard to have a decent normal day. 

I spent a misserable Saturday in so much pain.  LaSt night I slept a little,  very little.  I just took a 2 hr nap. Have been walking around my neighborhood to help.  


on 10/3/16 1:07 pm - Vernon, NJ

I know it may not seem like it now, but it will not last forever. I am sure within a couple of days (which probably seem like forever) things will subside. Did he tell you how long to wait for the pain before calling him?

on 10/4/16 4:19 am
VSG on 09/20/16

No,they told me if I have headache from it take tylenol.  If I get fever or experience uncommon chills call immediately.  Since surgery they tell me to take temp daily. If fever call immediately and and go to the ER. So far no fevers.  This weekend I have over did tthings and not rated and my family got upset.  I had 99.8 low grade.  But I waited am hr and checked again and would be normal. So just keeping eye on that.  Last night my lower belly became tender. It's healing nicely but hurting from time to time if I do what I'm not suppose to.  I have a double stomach where it cuts in around my belly button area...that's where the pressure is occuring. It's tightening as the incisions heal and if I move too much it feels like pulling. So my mother goes stop reaching for things and ask for help. Lol. I can say I have been getting hungry every few min but keep my body on a schedule.  Full the void with protein ice pops I made or sf ones.

on 10/5/16 9:06 pm
VSG on 10/03/16

How are things for you now? I'm day 4 and it's not much fun but hoping it did get better for you like others said it would

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