Advice 3 months out vsg on a plateau

on 9/15/16 7:19 am
VSG on 08/05/16

I'm surprised your doc is letting you eat salad - or any raw veggies. That's a big no for me until after 6 months out. 

HW: 312 SW: 294 CW: 225

on 9/15/16 11:20 am
VSG on 07/25/16

I was told that I could start eating raw veggies at between 2-3 months. Everybody's different. 

on 9/15/16 1:22 pm

I agree with what others are saying. I think you are eating too much. At 3 months I wasn't eating more than 2 ounces a meal and I was drinking Isopure Zero between meals. My docs plan was to eat three meals a day and drink 3 protein drinks a day from6 months then no more shakes after that. I still have one occasionally for breakfast. I'm 2 years post op and I still have a hard time eating 4 ounces of protein and something else. And drinking plenty of water is so very, very important! I echo what others are saying. Use my fitness pal, eat less, drink more water. Good luck!

on 9/15/16 2:31 pm
VSG on 06/29/16

I had surgery on 06/29/2016 and my nutritionist also told me I could eat 1000 calories a day and there are days that I hit that # but mostly I stay under. I still have protein shakes for breakfast. Here is what I ate/am eating today:

B. Premier Protein Shake (160 calories)

S. Light N Fit Greek Yogurt (80 calories)

L: Taco meat with cheese and salsa (230 calories)

S. Turkey Jerky or Beef Jerky, 1 oz (80-90 calories)

D: Chile Relleno Casserole, a recipe that I found on Pinterest under Bariatric Recipes (made with ground beef, estimated 330 calories)

Total calorie intake: 880

I have also started working out at the gym 3-4 times a week, so the days/nights I have a higher caloric intake I go to the gym.

I have stalled out the last 3 weeks, so I was also thinking I need to make some changes. Guess I should cut back my calories too. 


on 9/15/16 3:35 pm
WLS on 12/21/15


 If it is not working for you and you are stalled I would cut calories and up my water to 64+oz a day. Chug a lug and watch the weight loss happen! NO liquids 30 minutes before and at least 1 hour after eating. VERY IMPORTANT RULE here! Shakes are fine and will help you keep your protein levels up. Drop to not more than 2oz of steak chicken ham tunafish shrimp whatever at 1 time. Write down everything and weigh everything. No more putting anything into your mouth until you weigh it and  write it down. I am down to 100 lbs in less than 9 months which is a good weight for me but you have to follow the rules all the time.

 Please update us this week on your weight loss. We are all here to encourage you.

on 9/16/16 3:50 am - AL
VSG on 06/28/16

I am at about the same point as you with about the same weight loss.  My scale said 201 yesterday (even if that is not what my signature says).  I have noticed that the weight loss is starting to slow down a bit but honestly I think this is to be expected.  We aren't going to lose 15 lbs every month until we hit goal.  

Like you, I notice I am able to eat a little more.  I was eating about 500-700 calories/day immediately post-op and find that I am closer to the 600-800/day range now.  I have had a couple days where I hit 1000 calories but not consistently.  Here is where I am going to say something others may disagree with.  I have had horrific problems with constipation since my surgery which I am sure is due to the lack of fiber in my diet.  I have made an effort in the past couple of weeks to try to increase the fiber in my diet-eating more beans, veggies, and fruit (which means more carbs).  I'm not eating processed junk but personally this has been important to me for my sanity.  If my weight loss slows a little because of that, so be it.


Consultation Weight: 261. SW: 241. CW: 191  GW: 135

on 9/16/16 6:05 am
VSG on 06/14/16

My doc did suggest mixing Miralax with water or juice each morning if needed. 

on 9/17/16 12:53 pm
VSG on 10/21/15

I'm 11 months out and I have hit a few stalls that last about a month or so.  What works for me is reducing calories, making sure I have ZERO calorie drinks, lots of protein but most of all, I make sure that I take my vitamins.  When I stop or miss vitamins for a period of time I physically notice it.  I dont have as much energy, I am cranky, more hungry.  Everyone is different but this is what works for me.  Cut the coffee down a lot/ or out all together.  

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