Disappointed in Myself

H.A.L.A B.
on 9/3/16 7:05 am, edited 9/4/16 10:35 pm

As others said - it happens.  

App 2-3 years post op I started gaining and I gained 35 lbs ...10 was on purpose the rest keep pulling on. 

I did not think I was eating badly or to much . But I was not counting and I had ocational treat here and there. I was eating fruits, and the so called "low carb wraps" and I had a glass or 2 of wine here and there. I ate yogurt and had my "latte"... After all - milk has proteins? No?  There was a point that my BMI was over 30 again, and I started having back my back pain.  Eventually my pcp  doc told me that I am obese again and that I got to lose 15 lbs to start with. I was eating too much for my body and my metabolism. That I need to cut back. 

I had to take a very good and long look at what and how much I was eating. A bite "here and there" was not working for me.  

I strted planning my meals - eliminated fruits and grains, decided my 800 calories into 4 meals and concentrated on dense proteins, non starchy veggies and fat.

In 800 calories - I was getting 100gr of proteins (4 x25 gr) 40 carbs (4× 10gr) and 40gr of good fat. (4x10) .

The fat could be an avocado, or olives or pay of butter ...or a piece of 85% dark chocolate.  

Was it easy? Hell no.. And the first 2 weeks the scale moved 2 lbs total. That was all. I was super disappointed...but I kept pluging along... By the 3 months mark - when I was supposed to see my PCP again - I lost 18 lbs.. And eventually I lost the rest 10.... It took me another year to do that- my body got smart and ...I was breaking "the rules" ...and I would lose 4 lbs - gain 4 lbs... My motivation was also not as strong. Until I was ready to get dedicated again. 

But I had to be very strict with myself. 

Now I maintain...and I can eat app 1500 cal per day ...as long as I stay away from grains, and starchy carbs...and most fruits.. And alcohol. And diet drinks (they give me horrible cravings for sweets) ...

I also weigh myself daily when I am home (not traveling) and I have my 5 lbs range goal... When the scale is at the lower end or below - I can be more careless...but when it gets too close to the top number ' I am back to weighing and measuring and journaling (even if it is in my head only) . 

I went on vacation... And I was supper good (no scale) and when I came back - the scale showed the bottom of my range.

It can be done - it it not easy, and it may take a while for the body to let go of the fat... 

Gentle exercises like walking is all I did during losing my regain.


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 9/5/16 4:51 pm

Thank you for sharing. Were you full eating 800 calories? I see now you maintain 1500 calories.

H.A.L.A B.
on 9/5/16 6:48 pm

800 calories is not a lot of food. But I would chose very dense proteins, and fat and ...high fiber non starchy veggies. After a few days of decarbing - I was very content with the amount of food.  I would eat until I was not hungry.. I did not eat until full. Now I do, since I don't want to lose anymore weight. 

I am currently 150 lbs, size 6-8.., and I have relatively low body fat %.

When I was losing - I would have days that I would eat less than 800 calories followed by days with more than 800... I would avoid fruits and starchy veggies. 

I.e. cucumbers and celery are virtually no calories ...I would have a lot of that. Home cooked meats, some eggs. 

I would avoid diet drinks - or carbs - they would give me cravings - making me feel more hungry. 

I used 85%dark chocolate as a "dessert" once in a while.  

I would do that for 2-3 weeks. Then I would have a week or 2 or more food (1200 cal - same low carbs, ) to try to maintain...then would go back to 800 per day on average. ...during my 1200 cal per day weeks I would add some berries...more variety... If I get hungry - I drink more liquids. Coffee, tea, green tea, Perrier (i can handle bubles now) , etc. 

Even now - I try to maintain that lifestyle.


It is ok to be a little bit hungry.  I had days that I could not eat 800 calories and days that I choses to go to bed early so I would not eat more than 1000 cal. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 9/3/16 3:15 pm

You are not alone, I think more people have regain and don't come back and post b/c it's embarrassing. I'm 1.5 yr po and have gained 10 pounds, I"ve been wrestling with them for a few months now and can't get my mind right to cut back to low enough calories. I reached my physician's goal+10s, I never lost 100% of excess weight. I was ok with that, it's this weight coming back I'm not ok with. I have really tried to look at what I"m doing and I have realized I snack too much and don't plan ahead for my meals which = poor choices. Everyone has their issues, just wanted to let you know you aren't alone!


on 9/5/16 4:52 pm

Thank you so much for sharing. You can do it!

on 9/3/16 7:17 pm

I am 6 yrs post op w the sleeve. my highest 311, surgery 297 current 187 goal 175. I never met my goal. I actually got down to 198 and around year 3-4, gained almost 40 lbs. I felt like I stretched my sleeve but eating till I was full, putting the food to the side, waiting till that fullness when down and eating again. The emotional eating, self sabotage eating, not exercising which is CRUCIAL. I have t been on this site in forever.

Journaling was helpful to find out my habits but I read someone say put it on here or some where that you'd be held accountable. Be honest w urself too. I started working out A LOT. I also added more fiber and protein in terms of food (fish, turkey, etc). Pushing myself I am now closer to my goal of 175 w my changes than the first 2 years of surgery. My current weight is 187 but I had gotten down to 184 but I fluctuate between 188-186 over the last couple months. I don't deprive myself but if I have a bad eating day I know I have to buckle down and get myself in check. Usually I can get it done in under a week. 

Sites like this this are helpful as they inspire and if your program has a support group... attend! You can course correct. You can do this!!

on 9/5/16 4:53 pm

That was motivating. Thank you so much!

on 9/3/16 7:25 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

You have gotten some great advice. There is a link at the bottom of my ticker for the 5 day meat test... It is really about taking a few days to get back to basics, protein forward and dense protein will keep you full. It also helps with hunger and to get the carb monkey off your back.

I am finding at 2+ years out that I was slipping into protein bars almost daily and continuing my shakes. The shakes were great in the beginning, but now that I can eat more, I am not a newbie anymore...they really are just liquid calories. Do I enjoy them? yes but trying to not make them daily...

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 9/5/16 4:55 pm

Thank you for sharing! 

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