Offering me sweets
on 9/1/16 6:03 pm
Your co-worker is guilty of first-degree Food Assault. She should be arrested and forced to eat nothing but candy for a month.
Whatever her motives are for trying to sabotage your hard-won weight loss, they aren't benevolent. She means to harm you by undermining your health. A person like that needs more than a subtle hint or a polite refusal. She needs the verbal equivalent of a two-by-four board upside the head.
Possible responses:
"If we're to continue to work in the same place on good terms, you will not offer me candy or any other junk food again."
"Candy is to me what heroin is to an addict. Don't offer it to me again. If you do, then I'll know your offers are not made from kindness but from malice."
If these don't work, then ...
"If you insist on continuing to harass me to undermine my health, I will report you to Human Resources." (Follow through if necessary. She's harassing you in a very real and unhealthy way.)

"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
on 9/1/16 6:04 pm
I'm liking the responses you are getting here....especially the 40 pound, would I love to see that!
The other suggestions I might add are:
- What part of NO do you not understand?
- I've tried to be nice to you, but apparently that isn't I need to be rude to get you to understand that I don't eat sweets?
- Have I done something to offend you that you feel it's important to totally disregard my simple request to stop offering sweets?
The other suggestion I might make is to find out what she doesn't like or doesn't eat and then offer it to her every single day.....and after a week or so, ask her how that feels.
Bottom line.....this woman is a B*^#h........she is cruel and at some point she needs to be told that's what she is.
Good luck.......keep up the good work and don't let her negativity ruin all the effort you're putting in to get healthy.
Good friends are like stars.
You don't always see them but you always know they're there.
If anything the next time she offers sweets to you, lean back in your chair, rub your belly & with a big smile on your face say no thank you I'm still digesting the whale ostrich dog I ate this morning. Then go back to work lol

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
Sometimes we just like to please people. If you please this person you can't please yourself. You are the most important to you. Be kindly blunt. "I choose to not eat sweets because they make me feel bad, Do you want me to feel bad?" If that doesn't work. I love throwing away the treats in front of them!!!
HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)
on 9/3/16 12:50 pm
There's just one problem with that approach. If the co-worker ever catches Renren at a vulnerable moment (and we all have them) and she accepts the candy, then her problem gets very complicated indeed. Getting the co-worker to stop harassing her with sweets is the best solution. It's the equivalent of keeping junk food out of your home. If it's there in your face all the time, eventually you (and Renren and definitely I) will succumb.