VSG before 2008? In 2008?
Anyone in here have VSG surgery before 2008?? That's my biggest question.
Anyone in here that had VSG surgery in 2007 or 2008....I'd like to know how you're doing, what you think, any regrets, any complications, etc. etc.
Please reach out to me! I have my surgery schedule for Sept 6 and the main thing I'm worried about is the long-term....though I know VSG hasn't been around real long. I figure talking to someone as far out as it gets is important!
I am not out that far, I had my sleeve in 2011. So I am 5 yrs out. I am doing well, feeling great. No complications at all, I had a very easy surgery and recovery. I still have a lot of restriction and can't eat that much and I still don't have a lot of hunger. I have the head hunger, just wanting stuff, but not physical hunger. I have seen a few sleevers revise to other surgeries, but not a lot of long term complications.
I am very happy with my choice of surgery. I've lost 90 lbs, I feel so much better. I hope you have others respond to your question too.
I'm Sept 2009
My surgeon has been doing the VSG for well over 15 years now.
The thing you have to know is that all VSG's are not created equal.
It is a non-standardized procedure, technique and results are all over the place.
The all around stats I hear that get thrown around is that 50-60% EWL with the VSG is the average.
Individual surgeon stats are about the only thing you can go on.
A person can succeed or fail with any surgery type and any surgeon, just like someone can lose all the weight without WLS.
Patient education along with commitment and compliance is a big factor.
Bottom line, it's not easy..... and a little tip. Most that far out (2007-2008) that have not done well are not going to be here.... or a few just check in to try and get back on track.
My below "Pie Chart" is a basic view of what I believe to be the truths of the people that have done well at this.
If your short in one area you must make it up in another.
Bottom line, I lost 200lbs. and got my life back. I researched a top VSG surgeon and I surrendered myself to his program.
Hope this helps !
SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.
" To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "
VSG Maintenance Group Forum
Dr. Paul Cirangle
2011 here. I did have a reoccurance of a hiatel hernia and needed to get my gallbladder out. I have seen only a few posts over the years about people having the hernia issue, and I feel like that likely would have happened with or without the sleeve given I had one before the vsg. The gallbladder thing is far more common though. Certianly not guarenteed, but common. Even with both no regrets.

Surgeon: Chengelis Surgery on 12/19/2011 A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!
1Mo: -21 2Mo: -16 3Mo: -12 4MO - 13 5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6 Goal in 8 months 4 days!! 6' 2'' EWL 103% Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5 150+ pounds lost
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I am 6 plus years out. I found a life after surgery. I believe the percentage of people with significant regain is much lower than those that have maintained a good weight loss. The way I looked at it was, that I had tried EVERY diet known to man and had nothing to lose trying what I considered My Last Chance. It was the best thing I have done for myself. I was not living a hundred pounds ago. I was unhappy, hated going anywhere, wouldn't accept invitations to anything, basically checked out. Zero regrets, no complications, and I am doing good. It does take commitment and it is still hard work, but with this tool it helps, and without it I would have continued to gain and still unhappy and possibly not among the living. Now I am able to move, breath, and I do go places now and actually enjoy doing many activities, and God willing I will be here to see my grandchildren grow into adults.
Hope you find something in this post that helps. It is your decision and yours only as once it is done there is no turning back and that is something that is quite frightening to many, that final point of no return. Good luck with your decision Sept. 6th is right around the corner, I'll be waiting to hear how it all went.
I am 8 years out and would not change my surgery for anything. I started at 325 and lost 25 before surgery. My lowest weight was about 175. I started eating junk and gained to 249. Having a colonoscopy gave me the needed boost to get back on the wagon in 2013 and I am back to 195 with a slow loss that I am ok with.
I have had some health problems in the last year related to Uti's and meds combined with a bad dr. The result was that I had side effect of meds causing me to be weak, fatigue, malaise, nausea, chest pain, short of breath and just plain not able to do anything. Stopping the meds didn't clear all of my symptoms but things have gotten better. Finally being able to get a new dr has also helped.
One of the things that has gotten worse is is reflux and shortness of breath with exertion and chest pain. I had a barium swallow and it showed a large hiatal hernia with the fundus and a portion of the body of
the stomach above the hemidiaphragm. I have not seen the dr since I got the test results so I don't know what will be done about it.
I do hope this info helps you,