Struggling mentally lately...

Chris "Thick-to-Fit" T.
on 8/18/16 6:14 am - FL
VSG on 05/26/16

Ya Im grabbing a bag of the publix variety of those :)



YouTube: Click Here!

Instagram: ThickTo.Fit

Heaviest Weight: 345 | SW: 315 | CW: 175 | GW: ~180

on 8/17/16 6:20 pm

Sorry you're a bummin' dude, but know that it will pass.  Sounds to me like the carb monster just snuck in a bit you on the butt! :)  Get back to tracking your intake - we tend to get complacent and not track everything, but my experience is that this tends to lead to eating more than you think.  

Here's the thing - when I eat carbs, it puts me into a funk.  I get irritable, depressed, etc.  When I whack back the carbs, after a few days I feel much much happier.  Give it a try and see how you feel.  You've done an amazing job so far, so hang in there!! :)

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/18/16 4:41 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Sorry to hear that you are struggling - hang in there and I'm sure it will turn around.  You've done so well (look at your loss so far!).  Your body is probably adjusting to so much weight lost so quickly.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

Keith L.
on 8/18/16 6:07 pm - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

Changing up your food is a good idea, but I am thinking variety not necessarily what you are eating. Unless you are eating some sort of slider food or carbs it probably has a lot less to do with what you are eating as compared to when you are eating as in before/after your workout. Also the breaded stuff should probably stay at the store until you meet your goal.

I think you are going the wrong way with the exercise thought. Exercise is the best anti-depressant. Do more of it. Couch to 5k is a great program and it works incredibly well. Stick with that. Are you doing that on a treadmill? If so, try switching it up one day a week and do it outside. For one running on the street is more difficult than a treadmill, but it will also give you a change of scenery. Changing up your routine will help too. Maybe try a class or some group training. I found when I got bored with my workouts I started going to a place called OrangeTheory which is a total body HIIT workout class. Its tough but enjoyable. There are probably free classes at the gym as well. Also consider adding stretching to your routine as that helps to move stuff in your body better. Something else to consider is getting yourself a rebounder (those little jogging trampolines) which is good for lymph mobility. Lymph is the mechanism that removes garbage and waste from our bodies and jogging on a rebounder helps to move lymph in our bodies. 

Make sure you are eating after your workouts and not before or if you do eat before, make sure you are eating after as well, particularly when you are lifting weights, its a good time to have a protein shake. Also make sure when you do eat things that might increase your blood sugar (and therefor inducing an insulin response) that is is either early in the day or before or right after your weight training.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog -

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at


on 8/19/16 2:58 pm

Have patience with yourself and your body - I went through a similar blah period last month, feeling better this month.  Just think about how you will go through cycles and its ok...when I was feeling low last month my loss had slowed - im not doing anything different and its picked back up.  I think my body just needed a rest.


You will be ok.  Do something you enjoy, wait for the upswing.   If you don't feel like the upswing is coming, then get some help.


TAke care,


Vsg April 25th 2016 with Benjamin Shadle.

Starting weight 351, surgery weight 331

M1 -22.2 M2 - 14.2 M3 -8.9 M4 - 12.1 M5 - 4.7

8/22/2016 Lost 60.1 since surgery.  Lost 78.2 overall.

Goals:  1)Get under 300 - done!  Yeah!  2) Get under 280 (Yeah met this on 8/10/16) 3)Get under 268 (stay tuned!)

(deactivated member)
on 8/20/16 6:20 am

After WLS. Life seems so different. We start losing so fast and then the stall happens. And we panic. I know I did. I thought is this it? Is this all I am going to lose?

The talking that happens in our heads can be really bad sometimes. When the scale doesn't move I look to see what I have done so far. Not the scale numbers but the things you couldn't do before. 

I would write them down. Sometimes we really need to look how WLS has been positive in our lives. There are things you couldn't do before surgery that you can do now. 

I would get yourself to the store and get some healthy choices back in your house. We are worth it. We are worth being happy and healthy. 

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