Pre-surgery liquid diet?????

on 8/9/16 3:04 pm
VSG on 08/22/16

Ok, so my VSG is scheduled for 8/22/16. Today is day #2 of my 2 week presurgery liquid diet. I have spoken to a few other people from other areas, obviously different hospitals, surgerons etc... & they do not have to do this dreaded liquid diet. I am curious to know who in here has? I was also told that they only needed the barium citrate drink the day before surgery to clean the bowels. I have lost 113 on my own already prior to this surgery. My highest weight was 453, I am now 340. HELPPPPPP!!!!! I am new here :) 

Kelly L.
on 8/9/16 4:16 pm

Hi, I had to do a wk of liquids pre-op.   Every surgeon is different, but I was told it was for shrinking the liver so it's easier for them to navigate inside your stomach during the surgery.   Some Dr's do have their patients lose weight prior to surgery.   It's great that you have lost 113 lbs on your own, that's amazing!  Congrats!  Good luck on your surgery!

on 8/9/16 5:16 pm - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

Congrats on your loss so far. Many people are required to do a two week liquid diet... many people are required to do a combination of protein shakes on one lean meal per day. Some people are not required to at all. It depends on the surgeon and it is best to follow his or her orders, but it can be tough. Hang in there - it is difficult, but completely worth it!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


on 8/9/16 5:37 pm
VSG on 04/30/14

Pre-op, I had to do 2 weeks of Ensure only, 5 bottles per day.  It was a challenging experience but I looked at it like a path with the surgery at the end.  Each bottle of Ensure and each day that passed doing the liquid diet was me passing a marker and the surgery getting closer.  Like pulling a rope towards you with something at the end.

Look at all your hard work so far - losing 113#s is major.  Don't tell me you can't do liquids for 2 weeks, you done much more already.  You got this.

Also, this is for medical purposes, to ensure your liver is as lean as possible to make the physical surgery an easier process.  They aren't doing it to torture you, it's deemed medically necessary.   Each surgeon varies but, personally, I'd rather have a cautious surgeon than one who let's me eat anything right up to before stomach surgery.

Surgery: April 30, 2014: HW: 288 SW: 250 Achieved Goal 149 lbs: April 8, 2015 CW: 158 lbs (working on losing 65 lb regain as of June 1, 2021. Weight was at 215 lbs). Fighting every darn day!

on 8/11/16 9:03 pm
On August 10, 2016 at 12:37 AM Pacific Time, MissNexxie wrote:

Pre-op, I had to do 2 weeks of Ensure only, 5 bottles per day.  It was a challenging experience but I looked at it like a path with the surgery at the end.  Each bottle of Ensure and each day that passed doing the liquid diet was me passing a marker and the surgery getting closer.  Like pulling a rope towards you with something at the end.

Look at all your hard work so far - losing 113#s is major.  Don't tell me you can't do liquids for 2 weeks, you done much more already.  You got this.

Also, this is for medical purposes, to ensure your liver is as lean as possible to make the physical surgery an easier process.  They aren't doing it to torture you, it's deemed medically necessary.   Each surgeon varies but, personally, I'd rather have a cautious surgeon than one who let's me eat anything right up to before stomach surgery.

i'm new at this,  I have managed to sabatoge myself from the surgery.  I stopped smoking august  2015  I started to smoke again july 2016  Now i.m scheduled for surgery August 24 but I haven't stopped plus i'm supposed to be on preopt 2 wk dieo. i'll probably have to postpone surgery to a later date, I don't know what it is maybe subcontiusly I;m trying to avoid it. any encouragement someone can give will be helpful.



on 8/11/16 10:38 pm
VSG on 04/30/14

Talk to your surgeon ASAP (like tomorrow) and let him/her know your struggles. Be fully truthful. Do not proceed if you haven't followed the pre-op directives. Ultimately, it can be dangerous for the surgical procedure and harmful to you and there's no shame in postponing. Both the smoking and not following the pre-op plan can cause major complications during surgery.

It sounds like you're not ready for this surgery just yet so maybe take a step back and evaluate your reasons for doing it and if you're really ready to make the necessary changes. This is a huge life change and no small feat, lots of people have hesitation. It's ok and even smart to take time to really evaluate if you're ready and willing. You're considering having 75% of your stomach removed, you gotta fully grasp that, how your eating must change and if you're ready to do that permanently.  Lots of mental work involved here. I applaud you for being honest and coming forward. Now, talk to your surgeon, be honest and take all the time you need to decide if you're really ready. 

Take care. 

Surgery: April 30, 2014: HW: 288 SW: 250 Achieved Goal 149 lbs: April 8, 2015 CW: 158 lbs (working on losing 65 lb regain as of June 1, 2021. Weight was at 215 lbs). Fighting every darn day!

on 8/9/16 8:56 pm

Mine required 2 weeks, full liquids also. Hang in there, the second week is much easier. Definitely follow their instructions to the letter. I didn't deviate at all, and have so far had a textbook, pretty easy uneventful recovery.

VSG 7/27/2016. HW 241 SW 222 CW 210. 5'4"

on 8/10/16 4:43 am

My VSG is scheduled for 8/23/16 and I'm on day 2 of the liquid diet as well.  My surgeon also has me on the 2 week liquid diet.  You have done a wonderful job of losing weight so far, so this is nothing you can't handle.  I've had to put myself in the mindset that the end results will be well worth it.  You've got this!  And we will be here to help cheer you on!


on 8/10/16 4:56 am
VSG on 08/22/16

Awww thanks so much, I know I've done pretty well on my own but I guess I just don't feel like I'll make it through these two weeks. I'm being told it'll get easier so I'm waiting and truth be told, only thing keeping me going is knowing I've worked so hard to mess up now! But darn it, I'm famished!!!! 

on 8/10/16 7:19 am

I feel your pain.  After eating nothing all day yesterday, all I wanted to do was go home and have a bacon sandwich.  With cheese.  Bacon stacked 12 inches high.  Fried crispy.  BUT...I started thinking of every doctors appointment up to this point, every pill that I currently take now that I won't have to after surgery, the things we will be able to do limitless after surgery, etc.  I'll trade these two weeks for the new lifestyle after surgery.  Keep thinking about where you are heading, your goal, and that you've got this!  :-)

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