Can anyone eat a burger with bun? Half a burger?

on 8/3/16 6:39 am - TN
VSG on 06/19/13

No, I can't eat a bun, or a half-bun, or a bite of a bun. I can't eat any kind of risen bread product. Well, I can, but if I do, I suffer terribly and I'm not into pain, so I don't. I am over 3 years post-op and I don't see this changing.

I am happy to eat hamburger patties and frankly do not miss eating buns or bread. If I did, I would go look at my before and after pictures and laugh at my ridiculousness.

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 8/3/16 7:45 am
RNY on 08/05/19

My go-to line at restaurants if anybody asks (and they almost never do) is, "It's great! I'm just on a funky diet and can't eat a bunch, but I'll definitely take it home."

"Paleo" makes a FABULOUS excuse. Most folks know about it because it's so trendy, and it's honestly not a big deal-- you just say you don't do carbs and that's the end of it.

I order a burger with no bun at a sit-down restaurant. Carl's Jr. will do a lettuce wrap, In-and-Out will do "protein style" in a lettuce wrap as well. Five Guys can do a "burger bowl" where they put the meat and toppings in a little foil tray.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 8/3/16 7:53 am, edited 8/3/16 12:54 am

At about 13 months out, I can eat a whole standard (like a Bubba Burger) burger patty with toppings, but haven't tried to eat the bun, yet. For me, the bun doesn't make the burger taste any better so I'd rather save room in my sleeve for something I really want. Paleo is indeed super trendy now so no one really gives me any grief for just eating the patty on a plate with a fork and knife.

Though when at restaurants, I try to stay far away from ordering burgers - which are usually huge and come with fries - and opt for a soup and appetizer (like wings, shrimp ****tail, bacon-wrapped shrimp, etc.) or do a protein heavy meal and get veggie sides (like the smallest steak on the menu, a nice piece of fish, even fajitas with no tortillas). 

When I get a hankering for a burger, I just make them at home.

VSG: 06/24/15 // Age: 35 // Height: 5'10" // Lost so far: 190 lbs

HW: 348 (before 2 week pre-op diet) // SW: 326 // CW: 158

TT/Lipo & BL/BA: 07/21/17 with Dr. Reish (NYC) BL/BA Revision: 01/11/18 with Dr. Reish (NYC)

Unconventional Sleever & Low-Carb Lifer

Anne O.
on 8/3/16 9:19 am - Jacksonville, FL
Revision on 06/30/16

Do you have a larger sleeve? 

on 8/3/16 9:56 am

Nope! Standard sleevie here. Most burgers are like 4-5 oz., which I can eat easily. Most sleeves mature at about 1, 1 & 1/2 year out to a larger capacity of around 6 - 7 oz. That'd pretty much where I'm at at 13 months out - of course depending on what I eat and how quickly I space out my eating. 

VSG: 06/24/15 // Age: 35 // Height: 5'10" // Lost so far: 190 lbs

HW: 348 (before 2 week pre-op diet) // SW: 326 // CW: 158

TT/Lipo & BL/BA: 07/21/17 with Dr. Reish (NYC) BL/BA Revision: 01/11/18 with Dr. Reish (NYC)

Unconventional Sleever & Low-Carb Lifer

H.A.L.A B.
on 8/3/16 8:10 am

I order burgers sans buns.  anywhere. They are used to can get that in a lettuce or in a "bowl". 

Nobody even blinks an eye. 

And in social setting - when the lunch is ordered and delivered (i.e.lunch meeting) I just eat the inside of a sandwich.. With the low carb style a lot of people are following plus the "gluten" intolerance - it is not a bg deal. Being a "normal - on a skinny side" - itsi almost expected of me to to  be " a picky eater"


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/3/16 8:48 am
VSG on 12/04/14

I always order a lettuce wrap if we're eating hamburgers out. It doesn't bother me to pick out the foods I can't eat, I'm paying for it. You want to make sure you're getting all your protein in. Good luck.



Keith L.
on 8/3/16 8:53 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

My unsolicited advise would be to change your mindset. If you had the surgery to lose a bunch of weight and then go back to "normal" then I fear you took a bad path. Yes it is true you eventually will be able to eat pretty much anything you want, just probably a lot less than you would like, the question I have is do you really want to. I am speaking from experience here. After I got really close to my goal weight I started eating and drinking "normal" foods. Within a year I had re-gained about 50 of the almost 200 lbs I had lost. It is very difficult to get back on track. I am happy to report that I am back to eating on plan and exercising (not quite to where I was but getting there), however it took a tremendous effort to get there. All of which could have been avoided if I had only stuck with my plan. I strongly encourage you to consider this a true lifestyle change and continue your current eating habits even after you reach or exceed your goal. Why would you want to fill your stomach with nutritionally inferior bread when it could be filled with greens or protein which benefit your body?

Another mindset shift should be "What does 'normal' mean anyway?" Next time you go out to eat, pay attention to those around you ordering. Everyone has some special request these days. Gluten Free, reduced fat, no bun, no fries extra veggies. Not eating the bun is just as normal as any of those other requests. Many places offer you low carb options and do not mind accommodating your requests. 

So go ahead and pull all the good stuff off the bread. Ask for your coffee with butter. Ask for double veggies instead of fries. Its ok to order Thai food without rice.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog -

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at


on 8/3/16 9:34 am - Granada Hills, CA

I can eat an In n Out burger with a bun. I wouldn't say that it feels pleasant when I'm done but I can physically do it. Like most people I can't eat a thin bun but for sure not those big bready ones. 

I love hamburgers without the bun. For me, the bun doesn't add anything to the experience so I go without. I don't think anyone questions it. 

Life after WLS boils down to "can I" vs "is this what's best for my long term success". - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 8/3/16 10:12 am - Woburn, MA

Just as an FYI, at over 2 years out there is no way I could eat more than 2-3 oz of dense protein at a time.  However, I often feel like i empty out quickly - very full at dinner but ready for a snack at 8, lol.

VSG on 04/28/2014

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