Sleeved Wednesday Morning--help! I'm still starving!

on 7/29/16 1:22 pm
VSG on 07/27/16

Hello All:

Hoping to find someone here to help me understand this? I've got a call in to my surgeon's office but no reply yet so I though I would reach out here instead.

I was sleeved 48 hours or so ago.  For two weeks prior to surgery, I was on the all-shake liver shrink diet (and the three weeks before that were 2 shakes + 1 meal per day).  So I've been starving for about six weeks now.  And I was telling myself all along that it'll all be over after the surgery--just hang on until the surgery--you can do this until surgery because it's a limited time frame, etc.

So I can't explain how devastated I am right now because I'm STARVING... this was supposed to subside after the surgery, and it hasn't.  And I'm about as depressed about it as I guess I could get.  It sounds silly but this could "break" me... I told myself I could last until surgery, just last that long and you'll be free of the hunger beast (I know, only temporarily), but the beast is stronger than ever.  I'm ready to go take a bite out of a cow and I'm an animal person!

Whatever could this mean?  Does this mean the surgery will be less beneficial to me?  My metabolism is so screwed up that I'm already worried that it may not be as successful as it is for most people and I can't help but think that this hunger is a sign of more bad things to come.  I'm certainly not an awful-izer, not by a long shot, but my morale isn't exactly at its highest right now.  Any advice?


HW: 342, CW: 315, GW: Knee replacement weight

on 7/29/16 2:02 pm, edited 7/29/16 7:03 am

Are you getting in protein shakes.....that should help because I believe that protein is what you need.  You are too soon out to even think about cramming down a cow, pig or any other animal.  You have to be stronger than the food.  You need to get in fluids, protein vitamins and get out of the house and keep your mind busy and try not to focus on food.  That focus is what got us all into this life of needing WLS.....getting up the in morning thinking about what's for breakfast and when that was taken care of we'd be thinking about what will I have for lunch and again for dinner,  and what am I going to sneak in between all of that. 

You managed to make it 6 weeks,  you're going to live.  6 weeks is nothing compared to possibly the years you've fought this overweight life that got you here.  Hang in there,  protein, protein, and more protein that is what sticks with us. 

I am not beating you up.....I get how you are feeling,  I am just shaking you,  getting you to realize where you've come from and where you are going.  Going to a healthier, happier and more active life.  Have faith in your choices and come here to this site for motivation and support.  There are many who have walked your same path with the same curves and bumps and I am sure that you will hear from many of them.

Hang in there and you will be fine.  Good luck and hang on for the best ride of your life.

             I have missed too many dances in my life now it is time to start living
5' 1"

on 7/30/16 5:23 am
VSG on 07/27/16

Hi Chance--thanks for the reply.  I had one protein shake yesterday, today I'll try for one more, for a total of two.  But seriously, this stomach is hungry.  And I mean hungry--growling, hunger pains, everything. I don't know that I've ever heard a more musical stomach.  I know it's just temporary, but like I said earlier, I was holding on to the idea that "this too shall pass" for several weeks and then after the surgery, it's still there--it's very disheartening is all.

on 7/29/16 2:12 pm, edited 7/29/16 7:13 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On July 29, 2016 at 8:22 PM Pacific Time, thtrmgr wrote:

Hello All:

Hoping to find someone here to help me understand this? I've got a call in to my surgeon's office but no reply yet so I though I would reach out here instead.

I was sleeved 48 hours or so ago.  For two weeks prior to surgery, I was on the all-shake liver shrink diet (and the three weeks before that were 2 shakes + 1 meal per day).  So I've been starving for about six weeks now.  And I was telling myself all along that it'll all be over after the surgery--just hang on until the surgery--you can do this until surgery because it's a limited time frame, etc.

So I can't explain how devastated I am right now because I'm STARVING... this was supposed to subside after the surgery, and it hasn't.  And I'm about as depressed about it as I guess I could get.  It sounds silly but this could "break" me... I told myself I could last until surgery, just last that long and you'll be free of the hunger beast (I know, only temporarily), but the beast is stronger than ever.  I'm ready to go take a bite out of a cow and I'm an animal person!

Whatever could this mean?  Does this mean the surgery will be less beneficial to me?  My metabolism is so screwed up that I'm already worried that it may not be as successful as it is for most people and I can't help but think that this hunger is a sign of more bad things to come.  I'm certainly not an awful-izer, not by a long shot, but my morale isn't exactly at its highest right now.  Any advice?


HW: 342, CW: 315, GW: Knee replacement weight

hunger doesn't go away for everyone,sorry to say, not even temporrarily. 

Are you drinking as much as possible? Dehydration mimics hunger. Are you taking a PPI,like Nexium? Acid, a side effect of VSG can cause hunger.  How much of whatever is on your plan are you eating?




on 7/30/16 5:29 am
VSG on 07/27/16

Hi Holly--thanks for the reply.  Yesterday I was at 52oz of fluid, today ups to 64oz.  My PPI is famotidine (Pepcid).  Right now my plan doesn't include solids until the 4th week post-op (and that's just the pureed week too).  So I'm just drinking water, the occasional broth too, and a protein shake (one yesterday, going to try for two today) so that's all there is.  And this hunger just seems to have intensified.  The only bright side of this is that I'm not experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, such as the hanger, the headaches and the nausea.  I'm just still starving.

on 7/30/16 9:12 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On July 30, 2016 at 12:29 PM Pacific Time, thtrmgr wrote:

Hi Holly--thanks for the reply.  Yesterday I was at 52oz of fluid, today ups to 64oz.  My PPI is famotidine (Pepcid).  Right now my plan doesn't include solids until the 4th week post-op (and that's just the pureed week too).  So I'm just drinking water, the occasional broth too, and a protein shake (one yesterday, going to try for two today) so that's all there is.  And this hunger just seems to have intensified.  The only bright side of this is that I'm not experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, such as the hanger, the headaches and the nausea.  I'm just still starving.

one or two shakes is not going to cut it. You need 5-6 every day and all the broth you can drink. 

My sleeve makes noises all the time too, that doesn't mean I am hungry. 

I suggest you have a shake every two hours by the clock, whether you want it or not. Then drink all the broth /liquids you can in between




Donna L.
on 7/29/16 3:21 pm - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

Hunger is a funny thing.  It's partially physical and partially mental.  I had instant relief after surgery from hunger, and my metabolism is super damaged.  When I have hunger now, it's almost always acid-related, as other posters mentioned.  I still struggle with it having BED.  I have a voracious appetite for cookies and pizza.  We are supposed to have trouble eating pasta, but I have no doubt I could eat 900 pounds of it and pack in my sleeve. 

I wanted food as soon as I could wake up.  Was I starving?  I thought so, but it wound up I wasn't starving physically.  I would contact your surgeon, because they can best determine the cause.

What do you mean by starving?  Is your stomach growling?  Do you have hunger pains?  Does protein or liquid satisfy it?  

I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

on 7/30/16 5:37 am
VSG on 07/27/16

Hi Donna: This feels 100% physical.  The stomach is growling fiercer than I've every heard it before and there are hunger pains.  However, I'm not going through carb withdrawal symptoms, so I guess that's a plus.  I will ask my surgeon, but who knows when I'll get a response from her.

on 7/30/16 12:41 am

I was on 3x shakes + 2c vegs post op for 4 weeks too. I kept telling myself it would be easier after surgery too!

My NUT said hunger is usually due to not enough water. Though it could be as the previous posters mentioned (acid related).

Although my stomach doesn't growl for food, I think I'm mentally hungry a lot. I smell meals and want to try a bite. Today I was able to have a purée meal and it was great to actually eat FOOD. How much longer till you are on purees? I was OK after a week on shakes. You can make it till then!! Then you can have pureed meat, cottage cheese, hummus... fingers crossed you don't need to wait long till you're cleared for that!

on 7/30/16 1:00 am

Just wanted to add - until you are on the puree phase, can you add some items to your liquid phase to make it more interesting? E.g. flavoured water, miso, other yummy soups etc.

Good luck! You can get through this phase, soon it will be better!

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