GERD problems
I am about a month post-op band to sleeve revision and am having a horrible time with GERD. I started off with one prilosec a day and quickly figured out that that wasn't going to be enough. Moved on to two prilosec a day and that was working but I was going through a bottle of Gaviscon pretty quickly. I was still getting some acid in my throat every day.
So my PCP gave me some dexilant samples and for about four days I thought that was the answer. No symptoms of GERD at all. On the fifth day, though, I was taking the dexilant in the morning and getting some acid at night. Yesterday, I got acid burps in the evening and today, in the afternoon. It's like even the dexilant isn't working like it did at first. I've been tracking my food and haven't been eating anything that would offend. I've cut out coffee, even though I used to love it. Staying away from tomatoes and potatoes too.
I am really scared that this will get worse and then what do I do?
What I'd really like to know - especially from sleeve veterans - is there anyone who had a big problem with GERD at the beginning and then got better? I hear so many of the other kind of stories - the ones where the GERD got so bad that conversion to bypass was the only option.
Karik on here has. I know he had to try several different meds before he found one that worked well. Maybe reach out to him- terrific guy and he would be helpful. I had a lot of issues, but related to gallbladder issues and a hiatel hernia. During that phase pantoprozole was used effectively.

Surgeon: Chengelis Surgery on 12/19/2011 A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!
1Mo: -21 2Mo: -16 3Mo: -12 4MO - 13 5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6 Goal in 8 months 4 days!! 6' 2'' EWL 103% Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5 150+ pounds lost
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I have horrible bouts with GERD, but if I can get it under control, it usually can be maintained with my priolsec. I use the liquid ant-acid medicine when it is really bad and after about 2 doses I'm feeling better. then I just maintain with my other meds. I get the burning so bad that my ears sting inside so I can relate. Take care - Kris.. PS, i'm band to sleeve, and I love my sleeve.

You can't take care of them, if you don't take care of you!!
Band 10/2006, removal 10/2010, VSG 02/08/2016
I'm also concerned. I started having issues about a month ago and it has only gotten steadily worse. I started with tums, then Pepcid complete, and have ended up on Prilosec generic once daily which kept the burning down, but not the reflux. This morning however, I am experiencing burning again... I just am afraid I have condemned myself by having this surgery, though I knew there was a risk. I thought surely I wouldn't have a severe case of it since I was a lab bander and didn't with that. It's like my esophageal sphincter has lost all ability to keep liquid in my stomach. Before surgery, I worried all the time about finding a way to stop gaining weight and finally get the weight off, and now I have traded that for serious health concerns about GERD and maybe having other surgeries to correct it.. I keep hanging on to hope that it will get better or resolve with time. My surgeon said that when I get my weight off it would get better, but I carry my weight in my hips and legs, not my abdomen so I am pretty skeptical about that..
Well, there is inter-abdominal fat that surrounds the organs that you really can't see from the outside. Some skinny people even have fat around their organs.
Since I wrote that post, I've been doing much better. I take one nexium a day now and - sometimes - a pepcid. I started drinking kombucha and that has made all of the difference for me. Apple cider vinegar with the "mother" also works for me. Braggs is the brand I use. I put a capful of vinegar in about 4 oz of water and honey before bed and I sleep without acid.
I went to see a G.I. last week and he told me the same thing - that, as I lost weight, the reflux would get better.
Have you tried any natural acid reducers? (there are also probiotics, DGL - deglycyrrhizinated licorice, activated charcoal) If you haven't, it's worth a try - you've got nothing to lose - a little money, I guess, but there is no harm in it.
So glad to hear you're doing better! I do take one align capsule per day. I know probiotics help in general. The apple cider vinegar I had read about, but it just seems strange that taking an acid will reduce acid.. I will try that. I also have seen info on kombucha so I need to check that out.