Unexplained back pain....

on 7/23/16 2:16 pm

Hello everyone, I have a question, I am just over 8 months post op. About 2 months after surgery, I went to be just fine and work up with some moderate back pain. It was located just under the left shoulder blade. For about 3 weeks, it hurt more often then not, more so when I laid down, but also when I moved such as bending over, or pivoting left or right. Not so much when I was just upright and sitting. After about 3 weeks, it went away completely. So I let it go as a pulled or strained muscle. For 3 weeks after that point, I was fine. Then poof, it hit again with a vengeance and has been here ever since.

I have seen my doctor, they have done x rays, ultra sound, blood work, etc. Last Saturday I woke up and oh my god, it felt like someone had hit me in that spot with a baseball bat and that they were swinging for the fence. It hurt like no other to even just step into the shower. I went the ER and they did a CT scan and discovered inflamed lymph nodes on both sides of my back, right at the spot that hurts and the same opposite side of the back that doesn't hurt. After the ER visit, the next day my pain level was a whole lot lower.

I have been referred to an oncologist and to have a PET scan, but my doctor is doing that to just rule out anything more sinister. He states other than the inflammation of the lymph nodes, all the lab work is good, the x rays and ultrasound are good, and the CT looked good, nothing that would indicate anything else.  My doctor thinks that this may be secondary to the sleeve surgery and is checking into that as well. 

So my question at last, thanks for bearing with me, has anyone else had inflamed lymph nodes develop after surgery or had unexplained back pain? As my doctor put it as well as the physical therapist I am seeing over the back pain (It was thought to be muscular caused), your body has gone through a major change since the surgery, and is still changing as you continue to lose weight, parts of it are bound to not be happy about it. 

So any thoughts or incites would be appreciated. Have a great weekend.

on 7/23/16 3:07 pm

i've been complaining of left flank pain also . . . since about month 7 after surgery.  they thought it was might be a kidney stone but it was rules out.  now wondering if i have inflamed lymph nodes.  i refer to it as a sharp, knife in the back feeling.  it comes and goes, sometimes lasting long, sometimes just passing through.  it's only relieved by leaning forward.  hope we both get this sorted out. (personally i thought it was the stress caused by the extra hanging stuff but who knows.  now you make me want to pursue a more definitive answer).

Age: 60 | Height: 5'3.5 | Surgery Date: 07/24/15 | Starting Weight: 292 | Surgery Weight: 267 | Goal Weight:150 | Current Weight: 149 | WL so far: 143 lbs

on 7/23/16 3:15 pm

Exactly. let me know what you discover, I will do likewise. Good luck.

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