Major stall!! HELP

on 7/15/16 7:45 am

i will start with honesty! I slacked off for a long time....I did not gain any weight back BUT I also have not lost either! So I finally got back on track.....tracking ALL my food consumption!!! 

No more than 50g carbs per day and 1200 calories! 50 or less carbs, I should be dropping some weight I assumed! Nope, nothing! Nothing for 2 weeks now....and I'm working out (treadmill) 30-45 minutes each day at 3.3 mph

doea anyone have any insight? I'm at a loss! I tried to get some help/answers on my Facebook WLS page and was talked very rudely to, saying that 1200 calories is WAY to many and I wasn't willing to change! 

My "maintenance" weight calories consumption is I am eating 1500 calories less than what my body requires to stay at current weight! 

I am 5'10    265 pounds 

on 7/15/16 7:53 am - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

I agree that 1200 calories is too many. When you are early out and in a "honeymoon phase" you have the highest level of motivation, restriction, and physical hunger is at its lowest. You should be maximizing the space in your stomach with the leanest of foods. A lot of people on these boards stay between 600-800 kcal until they have reached their goal weight. This shouldn't be difficult at this stage in the game. 

Are you tracking your food religiously? Weighing, measuring, and tracking every.single. bite. of food? How about liquids? Are you measuring/tracking every liquid? If you aren't doing this - WITH EVERYTHING, it is the first place to start. Human beings notoriously underestimate their portions and underestimate the amount of calories in food. They also put way too much emphasis on the amount of calories burned from exercise. At this stage in the game, I would also highly suggest not "eating back" any exercise calories you may be burning.

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


on 7/15/16 8:09 am

I am over a year out i forgot to add....I have lost 96 pounds. Yes I weigh the food.  I really thought that 1200 calories was a good number but maybe not lol!!! 

I don't calculate my water like I should and I know I drink over 60 ounces but probably need more! 

I do not eat extra calories since I'm burning them. My Fitbit says I burn 3500-3700 per day on exercise days and 2800(ish) on the days I'm at work and doing nothing but sitting :( 







on 7/18/16 6:29 pm
VSG on 05/19/16

If you have your fitbit and are logging food in My Fitness Pal and have them connected, you can export your data to Excel and create a view of the data that might help you make sense of what you are really doing. Don't forget that sodium intake will jack with your weight too. create a column for calorie deficit and make sure you are in a deficit. Also make sure you are looking at your weekly averages as well as daily. The body operates on a weekly basis not daily. It's all about the data. Numbers don't lie. It can be a pain in the ass but it will tell you what works and what doesn't. Here is an example of my insanity... Only in the real chart it's color coded to point out what's too high and what's too low and where i skipped a day and if i put notes in as to why... This way the daily tracking keeps me focused, I can provide it to my team of experts and it has enough values that each expert wants to see rather than a narrow viewof what one person thinks is right. It's about progress not perfection..... 

Date Weight Loss BMI Calories Calories Burned Deficit Steps Distance Activity Calories Protein Net Carbs Fat Sodium Water
6/19/2016 222.9 -0.6 39.5 0 3,159 0 11,971 4.92 1,857 0 0 0 0 0
6/20/2016 223.5 -0.6 39.6 228 2,505 -2,277 6,550 2.69 1,107 30 8 6 363 0
6/21/2016 222.9 0.6 39.49 725 2,236 -1,511 5,168 2.12 729 63 50 29 2110 0
6/22/2016 222.3 0.6 39.38 470 2,387 -1,917 3,012 1.24 884 62 15 14 670 0
6/23/2016 221.6 0.6 39.27 508 2,532 -2,024 6,800 2.79 1,048 74 19 16 1531 0
6/24/2016 221.0 0.6 39.16 555 2,762 -2,207 8,188 3.36 1,350 59 24 17 661 0
6/25/2016 221.0 0.0 39.16 903 2,620 -1,717 6,132 2.52 1,246 81 41 42 1237 0
    1.4   565 2600 -1942     1174 62 26 21 1095  
                  Calories 246 105 186    
                    43.55% 18.53% 32.93%    
6/26/2016 221.0 0.0 39.16 0 4,070 0 8,627 3.54 2,945 0 0 0 0 0
6/27/2016 219.6 1.4 38.91 595 2,318 -1,723 4,276 1.76 843 53 19 35 1822 0
6/28/2016 220.6 -1.0 39.09 753 3,151 -2,398 9,437 3.88 1,707 74 32 34 1754 56
6/29/2016 220.8 -0.2 39.12 990 3,255 -2,265 12,543 5.15 1,841 80 34 62 3000 120
6/30/2016 222.2 -1.4 39.37 920 2,878 -1,958 9,784 4.02 1,384 75 24 59 1640 104
7/1/2016 221.0 1.2 39.16 1547 3,224 -1,677 6,455 2.65 1,845 33 120 49 1298 104
7/2/2016 219.6 1.4 38.91 1110 3,274 -2,164 10,491 4.31 1,955 47 45 86 2390 0
    1.4   986 3167 -2031     1789 60 46 54 1984 96
                  Calories 241 183 488    
                    24.48% 18.53% 49.45%    
7/3/2016 220.0 -0.4 38.98 849 2,817 -1968 6,133 2.52 1,458 70 46 38 1228 0
7/4/2016 219.6 0.4 38.91 1098 2,270 -1172 4,680 1.92 769 30 69 51 954 56
7/5/2016 219 0.6 38.8 878 3,026 -2148 10,382 4.26 1,537 78 28 48 1118 80
7/6/2016 218.6 0.4 38.73 1087 3,095 -2008 12,518 5.14 1,687 109 65 41 2031 80
7/7/2016 218.4 0.2 38.7 768 3,237 -2469 10,324 4.24 1,779 70 39 41 1160 80
7/8/2016 217.0 1.4 38.45 1155 3,240 -2085 9,614 3.95 1,894 70 100 46 1482 0
7/9/2016 216.4 0.6 38.3 823 3,084 -2261 12,528 5.15 1,760 82 39 36 1036 96
    3.2   951 2967 -2016     1555 73 55 43 1287 78.4
                  Calories 291 221 387    
                    30.58% 23.19% 40.69%    


Laura in Texas
on 7/15/16 8:22 am

Most people here maintain on 1200-1600 calories, even if they exercise regularly. Some even less. Those calories burned numbers are always way off. You could try 1200 calories a day for a few weeks and see how you do, but I'd be willing to bet you need to cut back.

Track every bite. Weigh and measure your portions. No "guessing". Be honest with yourself about how much you are really eating and then plan accordingly (cut back if you are not losing, add more if you are losing but feel famished).

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 7/15/16 8:35 am, edited 7/15/16 1:38 am

Not here to beat you up at all.  You didn't mention if you reached goal.  Not that it really matters as you had said you slacked off for a long time. 

You mentioned you hadn't regained and if you are at goal and maintaining then that is great.  If you hadn't reached goal and then slacked off and are trying to get it under control then I think that calories in are too high.  I would suggest going back over what your Dr.'s plan was,  looking at the food plan,  carb totals, etc. 

Make sure you are getting in enough water, taking your vitamins and eating protein first and getting enough of that too. 

I think coming here to this site can help you.  Read posts,  get everyone's ideas and what they have done to get over humps they have come up against.  Lots have good recipes or plans to get started again.  There is a 5 day pouch test floating around here somewhere to try to make sure you still have good restriction and it can help jump-start your weight-loss. 

I am not sure I have been of any help, and hopefully you don't feel any pain in my suggestions but bottom line,  too many carbs, too many calories.

Good luck and hope you stick around and get some insight on this site. Most are here to help you through your journey with encouragement sometimes good,  sometimes bad.  Constructive criticism doesn't hurt.

Stick to it and you will get there!!

             I have missed too many dances in my life now it is time to start living
5' 1"

on 7/15/16 4:56 pm

I have not reached goal. I need to lose 60 more to reach my goal. the doctors plan is 50 carbs or less n the beginning and then 50-85 for slower weight loss. 85-125 for maintenance. So I am starting with the 50 or less again! I am going to lower calories to 900 and see how that goes!  I have thought of trying the 5 day pouch test also!!! 

Thank you for your help 

(deactivated member)
on 7/15/16 9:21 am

Wow! There is so much in your post to talk about. You are at a PERFECT place to learn how your body works and reacts to foods and specific macros. I suggest you do a lot of reading about how foods work in your system (check out Dr. Robert Lustig's writings), what percentages of fats, carbs, and proteins work best for different body types, etc... There is also a great study out that shows that as obese people and formerly obese people we need far, far fewer calories to maintain our weights than previously thought. We are so efficient at using calories that we require far fewer than our "never have been over weight" counter parts. (Google the Biggest Loser Study.)

You may have to recalculate your caloric intake and modify the types of proteins and carbs you are eating, too. 

Wishing you the best. You're in a hard place right now, but primed perfectly to make some changes and have success. The fact that you're questioning what you're doing is awesome. 


on 7/17/16 5:57 am

You make an interesting point here. My nutritionist said the same thing to me. I'm going to have to read this study! This could explain why my 'starting' weight with each attempt at weight loss is higher than the last...

on 7/15/16 6:34 pm - AR

I lost the majority of my weight with food intake of 800 cal , less than 40 carbs and min of 120 oz of water. I made my doctors goal but not mine and am sidetracked right now. I have regained and monday will start back on track. Seems like the closer we get to goal the harder it is to come off.  Here's to both of us as we focus on a leaner diet to make our goals happen.

HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)

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