Tomorrow is the day!
Tomorrow is the big day! I am nervous. I know what to expect. I am a nurse in the recovery room where I will be. I have everything covered from a friend taking care of me in pacu, my CRNA is someone I highly respect and the bariatric fellow who will be doing my surgery I have known for 6 years. But as I sip on my mag citrate, I am nervous.
Please tell me that the past 10 months that I have been getting ready for this is not for nothing and that I amde the right decision?
My husband and I both had surgery, back to back, on 6/3/16. We both feel great and have no regrets. My husband kept saying he was going to cancel and is very happy he didn't. Follow your doctor's rules, eat slowly and drink slowly. All will be fine and you will not regret. Good luck! Judy
I'm surprised they let you guys do that! I figured they would have a weight period.
This is a huge transition and it's a tough one. I was a wreck the day of surgery and had to have someone to drive me to the hospital because I was so nervous. The day after surgery I was in the hospital and I cried thinking "Oh my God what did I do, let me rewind time". It's a hard thing to go through but the end result will be worth it!
Thanks to my family, someone took us to the hospital and someone brought us home. My sister and her kids stayed with us all weekend afterward so we would have them if needed. My doctor did require this if he did us both together. It went find and we would have been fine on our own but it was nice to have someone there.

Hoping things went fantastic for you today! Mine is in 2 weeks and I'm a nervous wreck with doubts. Hoping I'm strong enough to do this! I'm only on day 2 of my 2 week preop diet and thinking if I am struggling this much with a liquid diet, how on earth am I gonna get through a surgery and all the rules after. But seeing everyones success stories really helps! let us know how things went! Congratulations on your new life!