Anyone on the pill post op???
Has anyone gotten pregnant after vsg while on the pill? I just started taking again today, I'm 5 weeks 6 days post op. My husband and I will use condoms as back up, but will I be ok with just the pill?

Hey, White Dove! I do NOT want to get pregnant. I have 2 children and don't want anymore, lol.I was wondering when it would be safe to just rely on the pill and not have to use the condoms. I'm terrified that the pill might not work because of lack of absorption.

Really??? I thought there was! Thank you so much for responding and letting me know!

on 7/3/16 9:38 am
Is there some reason you stopped taking the pill? I ask because I'm on it for endometriosis (not birth control) and I had planned on staying on it.
I had my period the day of surgery and was suppose to start the pill the previous day. I just wanted to give myself a break and start again after surgery. I have been on them for a long time. I DO NOT want to get pregnant.

Has anyone gotten pregnant after vsg while on the pill? I just started taking again today, I'm 5 weeks 6 days post op. My husband and I will use condoms as back up, but will I be ok with just the pill?
while the VSG has no malabsorption, hormone swing can cause wonky things to happen. Even though the pill lessons the likelihood of wonky things happening,I would resin ally use condoms for three months also.