Loose Skin?
I was just wondering for those of you that have been sleeved, have you had issues with loose skin? I have a friend who got the RNY and lost a lot of weight very quickly, but was unfortunately left with lots and lots of loose skin. I was wondering if it's different for the VSG since the weight comes of slower?
You lose 100+ lbs, you will be left with loose skin unless you are extraordinarily lucky. It doesn't matter what surgery you have or how fast or how slow you lose the weight.
I have lost 200+ lbs and yes I have some loose skin. Trust me, I am happier, healthier, and far more attractive with some loose skin than when I had the same amount of skin but it was stuffed with mounds of gelatinous blubber.
I agree, it depends on genetics, your age, how long you have been overweight, etc, but I think the majority of us that have lost a significant amount of weight have loose skin. I probably have less than most, but my chicken wing arms do bother me. I would not change having the surgery though. I feel 1000 times better than I did before the surgery and for this, I can deal with a bit of loose skin.
Unfortunately, the amount of loose skin has little to do with how fast you lose the weight. Factors like how much weight you need to lose, genetics and the elasticity of your skin, and age have more impact.
I lost a lot of weight, (225 pounds) and the extra skin on my face, neck, arms and legs has been tightening up and getting better slowly over time. But the skin on my belly was never going to be reabsorbed - there was just too much of it. So I had a tummy tuck, and I am thrilled with the results. So there are solutions.
The surgeon removed 5 pounds of excess skin in my tummy tuck. I have pictures before and after the tummy tuck on my profile if you are interested.
best wishes,

Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385, Surgery Weight 333, Current Weight 160. At GOAL!
Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12 8-8
9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3 18-3
To demonstrate the differences in loose skin, I'm only 5'3" and lost a total of 100 lbs., so less than half of what Carol lost. However, when I had my LBL the doctor removed 7 lbs. of skin. Carol is much taller than I am so her fat was spread out over a larger frame while mine was contained in a smaller area - so the skin stretched out a lot worse in certain areas.
Hope that makes sense!
It is not different - if you've been obese or MO for a long time, are older than 40 and lose more than 50 lbs., you will have loose skin too. Where the fat distributed the most heavily in your body will define where you have the most loose skin typically. I carried most of mine in my upper body and even with a LBL I stil have a LOT of loose skin from the waist up.