Clear Liquid post-op recommendations?
on 6/28/16 9:04 am
Hello! When going through the process with my dietician, she said that I would be on two days of clears, then advance to fulls. My next appointment with her is one week post-op.
Then I met with my surgeon, and he said that he recommends one week of clears post-op now. Do you have any recommendations for clear protein drinks, etc? My surgery is 27 days away but I'd like to start planning.
Hello! When going through the process with my dietician, she said that I would be on two days of clears, then advance to fulls. My next appointment with her is one week post-op.
Then I met with my surgeon, and he said that he recommends one week of clears post-op now. Do you have any recommendations for clear protein drinks, etc? My surgery is 27 days away but I'd like to start planning.
water with flavor broth
sugar free jello
sugar free ice popsicles
beef or chicken broth
Unjury chicken soup protein powder (mix with water) -- you can buy individual serving packets at
Syntrax Nectar fruit and tea flavored protein powders (you can buy a variety pack so you aren't stuck with an entire tub of stuff you end up not liking). Make sure you mix it with very cold water and use an immersion blender or it will foam up so much it's impossible to drink unless you let it "rest" in the fridge for at least a couple of hours.
Isopure RTD protein drinks -- these have great numbers (calories/carbs/protein) but be warned, there is a reason a lot of people call this stuff ISOPUKE. Lots of people find it revolting -- I sure did. I managed to choke it down as long as I cut it 50/50 with something like G2 or Vitamin Water Zero.
My surgeon's office sells flavored protein enhancer called Proti-15. We were able to use it on the clear liquid diet. It tastes pretty good and gives 15 gr protein per serving. It's a little spendy, but worth it during that clear phase.