Questions on MEAT Diet reset

on 6/19/16 12:17 pm
VSG on 03/10/16

Hello everyone!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend thus far. I have a few questions about the All Meat diet or 5 Day meat plan. I've read quite a few posts here that people have been successful with this meat diet and continued to drop pounds. I am a very slow loser, I average a pound a week if that and I'm not even 4 months out from VSG. Anyhooo my questions are....

What type of meats do you eat? Store packaged? Deli meats? Or cook your own in the oven?

How many ounces of meat do you eat per meal?

How many meals do you eat per day?

Calories per day from the meat?

Also, are you able to eat eggs and cheese with this particular diet or plan?

Thanks to anyone with any feed back. I look forward to hearing from you.

on 6/19/16 1:18 pm - Farmington Hills, MI
VSG on 07/30/15

Not even 4 months out and you've lost 52#s?!?!?!  How do you consider that slow??  Using 4 months, that's 13#'s a month!  I would say that's pretty good :)


Starting Weight 375  SW 375 Height 5'9" 

on 6/19/16 1:50 pm
VSG on 03/10/16

I wish I lost 52 pounds since my surgery date. I have lost 25 pounds since day of surgery and I am almost 4 months post op. I am a very slow loser. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.

52 Pounds since I attended the first weight loss seminar with my VSG surgeon

on 6/19/16 1:29 pm - TN
VSG on 06/19/13

I have done a 3 day version of the Meat Test just because.

I think it may not be right for you at this time -- it's really for people who are farther out, have fallen off plan, and are having trouble getting back on track. You sound like you are doing great and losing well. That said, here are the rules I adopted:

--no processed meats: no deli meat, no lunch meat, no jerky, no sausage, no bacon (this is not a rule of the test itself, it's just a rule I adopted for myself to keep calories and consumption low. I can eat a lot more sliced, pressed, processed chicken than I can natural chicken breast).

--I ate about 4 ounces of meat per meal (keep in mind I am 3 years post op, no way could I have eaten that much at your stage).

--My calories were about 600 per day, I think.

--No eggs or cheese. It's the Meat Test, not the Cheese Test or the Egg Test

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 6/19/16 2:41 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Actually cheese & eggs are part of it, since both come from a meat parent lol 

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 6/19/16 2:50 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Actually I think you're doing pretty good! As the previous poster mentioned the 5dmt is really for people further out & have gotten off track & just need a reset to get back on track again.

Don't feel bad about being a "slow" loser. It's not a race, & what's great is that your sleeve never expires, it'll keep working for you as long as you are working it. Think about the big picture. If you told me 2 years ago that I would lose close to 200 pounds I wouldn't have believed you, but here I am.

Don't be discouraged, think of all the nsv's coming your way, the scale will catch up. If you want you can check out the site for the 5dmt in my signature. Julie created the site & I think there's a sample menu & maybe a critter (fish) alternative. 

Good Luck to you in your weight loss journey. 

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 6/20/16 6:35 am
VSG on 03/10/16

Thank you so much for the kinds words T Brown...I appreciate it. I know as time goes by the weight will slowly come off me. I just worry about the whole "honey moon phase" my Doc talks about. I try to do everything I'm told to do. I drink 90oz or more of water a day I stay between 600-800 cals a day and do 70-100g of protein a day. Maybe I should work out 5x a week lol. IDK Congrats on your 200 pounds lost forever girl!!! That is amazing to see!!!

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 6/19/16 10:08 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

5DMT spokesperson here!

This isn't a set-in-stone "plan," that's a bit of a joke on other fad diets. Basically, it's just a way to force yourself back into good post-op habits if you've been slacking. Many of the people *****port big losses do so after switching from eating carbs or otherwise not being on track. It's a good way to get your head back in the proverbial game, and no promises of amazing losses or whatever.

As far as my experience goes:

I do a combination of all sorts of meat. I'll cook roast in the crockpot, eat deli lunchmeat, get premade meatballs, do porkchops in the oven. Everything is fair game!

At 2.5 years out, I eat 3oz or so. I had a burger patty with cheese tonight, ate maybe 2/3 of it (3oz) and was completely stuffed. With dense protein, you can usually eat until you hit that just-full feeling then stop.

I usually do 3 meals plus 2 snacks. I shoot for about 800 calories per day, but at the 4 month mark I would have been closer to about 600.

Hardcore meat-lovers will do just meat and cheese. Others will include yogurt and eggs. Either way is just fine, but most folks definitely skip things like protein shakes and bars.


Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

A. Kondrlik
on 6/20/16 4:21 am
VSG on 01/24/13

Hi Sparklekitty!

I am 3 1/2 years out lost 110 lbs in a little over a year.  I have gotten completely off track.  gained a TON of weight back.  Gradually quit following all the rules.  You now the drill....  I decided it was time to put on my big girl pants and start following  the rules.  I found the "5 day pouch test" website and ordered the book.  I also decided to get back on the obesity help forums and lo and behold I started seeing things about the 5 day meat test.  I had to laugh.  It is so true. I am tempted to do the pouch test, just as a way to not re-set my pouch but my brain.  I now my sleeve is fairly restrictive by the way it feels when I eat chicken.  Honestly sometimes I am full after two bites.  But do I stop eating?  heck no!!!!  I wait a couple minutes and keep on.  As of today  no more carbonated fluids, I  need to get off caffeine also. 

So do you ONLY eat meat, or do some veggies also?

I wish I wasn't such an all or nothing person.  Either completely on the wagon or off it!




Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 6/20/16 6:17 am
RNY on 08/05/19

No veggies in the 5DMT, at least for the time you're following the plan. You can definitely add back some veggies after the 5 days-- just make sure to do protein first! :)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

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