Day 10 of Liquid Diet- Surgery soon!!! Any words of advice or encouragement :)?

on 6/10/16 4:50 pm
VSG on 06/15/16

I'm super excited for surgery in 4 days.  This last 10 days of liquids has gone by quicker than I expected and honestly, wasn't too bad.  I'm nervous though.  Am I making the right decision?  I know I am.  I just need some love :)!  Good luck to all of you and so many of you are so inspiring-- it's what's kept me strong...

Naomi S.
on 6/10/16 6:52 pm - Southwest Metro, MN
VSG on 06/03/16

Hi Lucy,

I'm just a week post-op, so I was in your shoes  literally days ago. Think about how hard you worked to get to this point. You're having some last-minute jitters, but the dedication it took to get you here shows your true desires. I won't say that recovery has been a breeze, but honestly it hasn't been that bad. I'm already down 20 lbs from when I started my pre-op liquid diet. I'm pretty happy with the results I am getting. 

Take a deep breath and find something to distract you these next few days. Before you know it, you'll be post-op too. Good luck!



on 6/12/16 8:47 am
VSG on 06/15/16

Curious to know how you're doing today?  Do you mind if I friend you since we're so close in surgery date?  I'd love to keep in touch about your progress.  Congratulations on your loss so far!  What have been your biggest hurdles thus far?

Naomi S.
on 6/12/16 10:00 am - Southwest Metro, MN
VSG on 06/03/16

Hi Lucy,

I'm on day 10 post-op today. Feeling better every day!  My biggest hurdles right now are limiting my activity (my carpet needs to be shampooed, but I know the repetitive pushing/pulling motion won't be good for my incisions) and being around food. We had three parties this weekend, and it's been difficult to see everyone enjoying all the yummy treats while I sip on my water. 

I will look for your friend request. Good luck to you these last few pre-op days. You will do well!



on 6/10/16 9:22 pm

Nerves are totally normal at this point! You know you're doing the right thing, so keep your eyes on the prize and think of all the good things you can look forward to.  This is just the beginning of a long, wonderful journey, so try to relax, let the surgeons do their thing, let the nurses take care of you, and then go home and rock your sleeve! :)

on 6/12/16 8:51 am
VSG on 06/15/16

Rock my sleeve:) love it.  I'm excited!

on 6/11/16 8:33 am

Hi Lucy,

Nerves are normal. I had my surgery on Monday.....down 6 pounds from then and 13 overall from when I started my pre-op liquids (I did a week). The first three days are tough......I'm telling you that, NOT to discourage you, but to let you know that it's pretty much what everyone seems to agree upon. Buyers remorse, discomfort, second guessing, wondering if you'll ever eat like a normal person again.....yeah, it all ran through my mind and I suppose pretty much everyone else too.......DO NOT let it get you down......I came home from the hospital on Wednesday and after having a good night of sleep in my own bed that night, I felt soooo much better. By Friday I felt absolutely human!! We went out for dinner with friends last night (Friday....keep in mind that this is 4 days post-op) and although their food looked sooooooo good, I wasn't uncomfortable. I had my glass of water with some lemon juice and then I ordered French Onion Soup....NO cheese, NO bread and NO onions......also known as BROTH.......I finished off most of it along with about 6 oz of the water....I felt wonderful AND happy.

Before you know it, you'll be done and my best advice is to love yourself and recognize that you're doing this for the best reason!! Don't let the worry and anxiety take over (everyone goes through it) and for sure, once you come out of surgery, keep telling yourself that everyone goes through the same second thoughts....did I do the right thing? will I ever be normal again? will I ever eat real food again?????

Every day is getting'll see! Keep thinking positive thoughts and before you know it, you too will be on what's called the Loser's Bench. This forum is absolutely the best place....the support is amazing!

Good friends are like stars. 
You don't always see them but you always know they're there. 



on 6/12/16 7:27 am

I couldn't sleep before getting sleeved. My surgery team was so great, and when I told them I was getting nervous beforehand they knew I was ready and prepared so they took me in rather than going over last minute jittters, which is what I needed. I appreciated that so much because I could just feel myself starting to loose my cool. I would say relax as much as possible and trust your team. Good Luck!

on 6/13/16 5:05 am
VSG on 06/15/16

Good luck! Prayers that you have a safe surgery and fast recovery time! I am still Pre-op myself and so I understand the nerves! But everyone says their only regret was not having it sooner!

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