Current challenges at 5-6 weeks out

Starry Eyed
on 5/29/16 2:45 pm, edited 5/29/16 2:48 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

Hey everyone!  I am just under 6 weeks post-op and feeling discouraged for a few different reasons.

  • I have gained and lost the same 2lbs for the last 2 weeks.  I went through the "3rd week stall," and lost steadily for a week after it ended, but for the last 2 weeks...up 2 and down 2.


  •  I work hard to reach my water goal each day, but I have to literally sip all day long.  When I am working or busy doing things, I get behind on drinking water.  As a teacher, I have a million things going on each day and drinking water is not always on my mind, as hard as I try.  Is it always going to be like this?  I feel like I barely have time to even eat (my nut said worry abou****er first and then food).


  • I am getting at least 60g of protein each day, but that is a struggle too.  If it wasn't for my isopure, which is 40g of protein, I wouldn't even get near my goal.  How in the world do others reach their protein goals eating just regular food?  At the stage of eating I am approaching, my nut says to first get 2-3oz protein and then if there's room, go ahead and add some vegetable.  I am lucky to be getting 2oz of food at one time, so I don't foresee being able to ever add vegetable or starch.


  • I am getting SUPER bored with everything I eat!  Egg + slice of cheese for breakfast, isopure, light and fit yogurt smoothie, meatballs and a small bit of sauce.  I feel like I've cycled through the main staples of tuna (of every kind of flavor), canned chicken, egg salad, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese....I am so sick of it all!

I realize I am still in the early stages of healing, but it's difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

High Weight: 307 Start Weight: 297 (11/5/15) Surgery Weight: 278 (4/20/16) Pre-Op: (-19) M1: (-24) M2: (-8) M3: (-10) M4: (-9) M5: (-7) M6: (-6) M7: (-7) M8: (-5) M9: (-4) M10: (-3) M11: (-5) CW: 185

"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."

on 5/29/16 2:57 pm
VSG on 04/28/16

Please don't get discouraged!  Remember that our bodies are still going through a lot.  I can get bored too if it's the same stuff over and over but I have told myself - food is fuel!  Eat to live, not live to eat.


I take my water bottle with me everywhere I go.  If you need, set a timer...I found that drinking regular water it was harder to get it in but a little lemon juice helps.  Try taking a little bigger sips...not too big but being 5-6 weeks out myself (sx on 4/28) I can drink more.  My doctor also said tha****er sits for a short amount of time then moves on through.


If you are getting bored with what you're eating change it up.  Try chicken for breakfast and make it different ways!  Try lightly grilling then bake with some canned soups.  I love the babybel cheese.  Also, remember this isn't forever you'll be able to add other things to your diet...but you'll still only be able to eat a little at a time.  


I can't give too much advice because we're basically at the same weeks post op but keep on trucking!


on 5/29/16 6:22 pm
VSG on 08/11/14

Your body is still recovering. If it bothers you, only weigh once a week.

Your sleeve will mature over time where you can eat more. Once you are cleared for all foods you will be able to make other choices. Just hang in there, it will get better.

At 21 months out, I eat basically the same thing for breakfast, lunch and snacks, dinner is the only thing that changes unless I have leftovers then I eat that till it's gone.

Make sure you get your water in, it is more important than the food.


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