Losing Control..... Need HELP please! :)

on 5/29/16 7:01 pm
VSG on 12/02/15

  The first thing I think I'd try is stop doing 1 through 5. And go to your appointment. It won't be the first time they've seen this happen, and you might get some good advice.  It's like when I started avoiding the scale in the past, it didn't make my problem go away, it made it so much worse.

5'2.5" Surgery date/ 12-02-15 Dr.Valentine Boise ID

Highest:289 SW/212 CW 122


Goal reached at 10 months

on 5/31/16 11:31 am
VSG on 11/19/14

Hi Karen - reading your post was like Deja Vu!

I experienced a similar fate around the 18 month mark. Was almost like I told myself that I could do this and did not need to journal, etc. I gained 10+ pounds on a 2 week vacation in April. I panicked. 

Like you say, I was feeding the carb Monster and the Carb Monster would not let me slow down.

I decided to do the 5 day pouch test and this seemed to jumpstart my weight loss as well as retrain my mind and body into following the program. I will not let my guard down again.


Best of luck to you, hope things are looking up?



Karen H.
on 6/1/16 2:03 pm
VSG on 12/08/14

Thanks!! Can you remind me what the 5 day pouch test is? I need a jumpstart for sure!! Thank you!!


on 5/31/16 11:37 am
VSG on 10/07/15

i've heard "resetting the pouch" is the best thing to do when this happens.  look up some "recipes" for this. it might help.  you can do it! 

SW 232  CW 150 GW 140-125 not sure!  Sleeved 10/7/15

my routine:  no carbs, no sugar, workout 3-5x week cardio and weights

Karen H.
on 6/1/16 2:06 pm
VSG on 12/08/14

Thanks!! Can you tell me again what I should do to reset my pouch? Trying to get my mind and stomach aligned. :) Thanks again! Karen


on 6/2/16 8:28 am

You are in the same boat I was in 9 weeks ago.  You can do this.  The biggest thing going for you is that you recognized quickly that you were losing control and you reached out for help before that 11 pounds became 20, then 30 etc.  

I agree with all the previous posters' suggestions for getting back on track.  For me, accountability is so important.  Make that appointment. What you have experienced is EXPECTED- statisically, most people who had WLS regain ~ `15% of their WL by year two. Your doctor knows this.  However, you do NOT have to be in that category.  It IS in your control, and you WILL turn this around.


We are all here to cheer you on as you do!

I expect a post from you a week from now telling us what you lost for the week. :)






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