15 Days later and pain. . . feeling discouraged
I'm now 15 days post-op, and still having a lot of pain. I'm on the all-liquid diet still- and I have been trying to get more fluid in per day but it's been tough. My mind is looping through all the things that could be wrong and I'm really trying to stay positive. But I'm just scared that the pain will take forever to subside or that I'll have this pain for the rest of my life.
It sounds kind of silly I know, but I'm fearful right now because everything is so new and painful. I just thought that I wouldn't be having pain at this point in time. It's not doubled-over, need to go to the ER pain, but just this constant gnawing and pressure, as well as pain in my esophagus and chest. I don't know whether I should contact my surgeon or if this pain is pretty normal? TIA

I'm now 15 days post-op, and still having a lot of pain. I'm on the all-liquid diet still- and I have been trying to get more fluid in per day but it's been tough. My mind is looping through all the things that could be wrong and I'm really trying to stay positive. But I'm just scared that the pain will take forever to subside or that I'll have this pain for the rest of my life.
It sounds kind of silly I know, but I'm fearful right now because everything is so new and painful. I just thought that I wouldn't be having pain at this point in time. It's not doubled-over, need to go to the ER pain, but just this constant gnawing and pressure, as well as pain in my esophagus and chest. I don't know whether I should contact my surgeon or if this pain is pretty normal? TIA
are you taking your pain meds?
on 5/19/16 11:41 am
A good rule is that if anything seems weird, call your surgeon. You can usually get a nurse on the phone, and they can say "don't worry, everything is fine" or "come in and let's check you out." Worst case, you spend five minutes being reassured, and that's what nurses do!
It often takes quite a while to heal-- after all, your guts have been completely rearranged! If you have pain meds, keep taking them, since that's why they were prescribed. If you're still having abdominal pain, your doctor's office may suggest something to take like Tylenol.
Are you taking an acid-reducer? If you've got any sort of reflux, that might be causing trouble. Something else to try.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Thanks everyone. I went back to my surgeon and he did a contrast test. Everything looks good and liquids are passing through fine. However, my symptoms are pointing to my gallbladder. Several of my family members have had to have their gallbladder removed and I might be next. Would explain the nausea and back pain too. Getting an ultrasound tomorrow. Also, my surgeon thinks I'm having acid problems and will begin Tums chewables and Carafate. Thanks for the support!
Hola Feeling Discouraged,
I just joined this forum and will be having my surgery in August. I have spoken to several friends now who have had the surgery and none of them talk about pain. Perhaps you should talk to your doctor? I'm reading the posts of those who have had their surgery recently to gain more info. I feel bad for you and if it was me in pain, I'd be asking my doctor why. Hope things get better for you.