Frustrated by the 3 week plateau! And constipated too. :(

on 5/13/16 2:47 pm
VSG on 02/08/16

Aww, thank you. :) 

Look, nothing is trivial or unimportant when its happening to you.  I ended up in the ER thinking like that!  I kept having pains in my chest and I would think okay you are eating too quickly, or maybe you just are imagining it.  I was so stressed about protein vs water intake and trying to get it all in that I was just driving myself crazy. 

I finally called the ambulance after not being able to sleep due to chest pains and they found out it was a panic attack.  My soon to be ex was supposed to be taking care of me and the kids post op for the first three weeks and he bailed on day three.. that weekend I had the panic attack and they found that I was really dehydrated.

So, nothing is small, and nothing should be ignored this is your health. :)

As to posts, and blogs... Hmmmm.  I go to the blog and hit the little pencil and type and then it says blog posts.  The other thing I do is answer people in a thread, that might be considered posts.  So that's about it for excitement. 

You will do great, we all have hard days!! The end of week three I went on strike and didn't eat for a whole day because if I saw one more cup of freaking broth I was going to force feed it to someone else!! LMBO!!! :)


HW: 528 CW: 386 Short term Goal weight: 350


        Tracey :)


on 5/15/16 6:10 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

Sorry it was a tough road for you in early post-surgery recovery. No one deserves that. Especially when you need support the most. I've had panic attacks in the past and understand how completely terrifying they can be. You are a strong woman. A lot to be proud of...and I'm sure you're kids are very proud too.

yeah, my journal end up the last few days with lots of !!&@!?#!! In it. But doing good. Drinking decaf coffee because suddenly 1/4 cup of regular sends me through the roof and sadly the decaf doesn't have the same "effect". But my combo of everyone's advice on here seemed to do the trick (sort of) Milk of Magnesia, Dulcolax, more water, (skipped the suppository!)etc. so feeling better. Even dropped a couple of pounds. This already is one of the best things I've ever done in my life.

thanks again for the support!

on 5/13/16 8:17 am

Hi Kathleen!

Welcome to the three week stall. :)  Previous replies have covered things really well, but let me just add two things.  First, this is a loooong journey. It's really easy and normal to be impatient about how fast the weight should magically melt away, but the truth is that it's a lot of work and very trying sometimes.  Try to calm the "hurry up and lose weight" feelings and settle in for a slow and somewhat steady process, complete with some ups and downs. Please avoid comparing your rate of loss to others - I did that a bunch because I was a very slow loser, but it's just frustrating and triggers the ol' emotional eating issues, so if you're able to, just accept that as long as you do your best, your body will lose weight at the your own rate and that's OK.  My husband is like yours, so I totally understand your frustration. :)

Second, there is a fairly large contingent here that use Miralax (or generic) every day to avoid getting constipated and/or having painful potty issues, if you get my drift.  I do it on my docs advice, and add it to my morning coffee (no flavor or texture) - keeps things moving along perfectly.  I've never heard the concern about sucking water from your organs, but as long as you're drinking lots of water anyway I don't see where this would be a problem.

Good luck!!

PS - Thanks for asking the hag question!  I have always wondered about that!

on 5/13/16 11:19 am
VSG on 04/20/16

Good advice and I appreciate it. I don't expect magical weight loss and I sincerely know what a long journey this is. Just had a bad day. I'll happily take this long journey over the up and down weight bs I've been through for the last 15-20 years. And I think the constipation is bugging me more than anything. I'm bloated and gassy and extremely uncomfortable and I know it will pass but still sucks. My surgeon seems to tell me the downside of things without giving me much of a solution. And I've noticed many people on here had their surgeon recommend it. I indeed did take Miralax last night along with the BENEFIBER he recommended and nothing so far. Still frustrated. Last time I took it for 3 days with nothing and then POW, could not LEAVE the bathroom! Ha! Will try Milk of Magnesia tonight. Somethings go to give, right! Lol!

thanks for the support. I truly appreciate it. :)

on 5/13/16 2:20 pm

OMG, I can SO relate to the 15-20 years of ups and downs - at least this time we have an excellent chance of it actually working. It's amazing to watch the scale cooperate for once.

Sorry you're stuck in the yukky discomfort stuff - I hope it "passes" quickly. :)  Just to clarify, I don't know if Miralax works well for immediate issues but for long-term avoidance of problems, it's great!  Keep chugging down the water - it's got to go somewhere!

on 5/15/16 6:18 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

You know, there's a whole different feeling I have after having the surgery despite what ever little setbacks there are. It's more than Hope, it's confidence that it will happen. I can and will lose the weight. I've never felt that before except for the times I was going on THE diet before that was sure to change my ways. Now I have to while the weight drops. It's exciting! Like you said amazing to watch the scale cooperate! 

P.s. Feeling "better"! Lol

on 5/13/16 2:57 pm

I totally understand your pain. So frustrating, for me exercise and tons of water pretty much worked. You are so early on so just wait until you feel better. Good luck!


on 5/13/16 8:25 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

Hey, I also had surgery on 4/20! I am so glad you posted this - I haven't been as well read, and I am new to the site so I had no idea about a plateau so early! It certainly makes me feel better! I sometimes think, I am being so silly about how fast I expect the weight to come off. I have lost a total of 25 lbs including the week of the pre-op diet. So in 1 month total, 25 lbs is pretty good! But I do have to agree with the others, I believe we got a little spoiled at how fast the weight was falling off at first. I have also had the problem with constipation. I have obviously not read enough, because I didn't realize that was so common either  but it totally makes sense. It was also refreshing to see that you are basically intaking the same things I am. I have struggled moving on to anything but protein shakes and yogurt. Lol. I so look forward to eating other food, but it taking me some time to learn how to eat now. I am having difficulty in general mostly with just eating at all. Anyway, thanks for the post! It made me feel more normal. 

on 5/15/16 6:24 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

Yay 4/20! You made me feel more normal. Yep, yogurt, cottage cheese is great and I've started eating fish which is soft especially after much mashing with a fork. Funny everything I used to eat was almost brown and now it's white. But that's starting to get to me! Smashed avocado is good. And some of these Bariatric companies make soups for the savory flavored, not bad and you can find them on Amazon. 

Congrats on the weight loss! We're at about the same place! Go 4/20!

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